
rolled [rəʊld]  [roʊld] 





rolled 基本解释



动词卷; (使)打滚( roll的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)转动; 把…卷成筒状

rolled 网络解释

1. 熱軋:SPI Mold Finish Comparison Kit --SPI模具拋光比照工具 | rolled ------------------熱軋 | forged ------------------熱鍛

2. 包金箔的:rolled into 大批进入 | rolled 包金箔的 | roller bandage 绷带卷

3. 滚动的滚轧的:rolled tube 轧制管 | rolled 滚动的滚轧的 | roller arm fulcrum 滚轮臂支点轴

rolled 单语例句

1. rolled什么意思

1. He also rolled his ankle in the fourth quarter, though by then it was already too late to mount a comeback.

2. A book collection of Chinese paintings and calligraphic works that advocate world peace and harmony has rolled off the press.

3. rolled

3. " Welcome to Washington, " Geithner said as TV cameras rolled.

4. Ben and Jerry's has borrowed Obama's " Yes we can " campaign slogan and rolled out Yes Pecan ice cream.

5. When the external ball is rolled, the inner ball glitters with candlelight and tinkles.

6. In order to combat the sluggishness in China's capital markets, the CSRC has rolled out a series of innovative reforms.

7. rolled什么意思

7. Shockingly, the car drove backwards and rolled over the boy's body twice.

8. rolled

8. By the time Carnival celebrations wrap up March 8, about 100 parades will have rolled through area streets or float down waterways.

9. rolled的意思

9. Witnesses said that after a 40 centimeter fire ball rolled down the tower its lights and wireless signals went out.

10. rolled的意思

10. It has rolled out a national climate change policy, a sign of its resolve.

rolled 英英释义


1. rolled up and secured

    e.g. furled sails bound securely to the spar
           a furled flag
           his rolled umbrella hanging on his arm

    Synonym: furled

2. uttered with a trill

    e.g. she used rolling r's as in Spanish

    Synonym: rolling trilled

3. rolled的意思

3. especially of petals or leaves in bud
    having margins rolled inward

    Synonym: involute
