
roadhouse [ˈrəʊdhaʊs]  [ˈroʊdhaʊs] 


roadhouse 基本解释


roadhouse 网络解释

1. 威龙杀阵:寻找饰演威廉的完美人选时,拉敏.巴哈尼同样大费周章,随后他找到了赖德.维斯特(RedWest),一个从孟斐斯走出来的特技替身兼演员,他曾出现在<<威龙杀阵>>(RoadHouse)和<<造雨人>>(TheRainmaker)等为数众多的好莱坞电影中.

2. 旅馆:roadholding 安定性能 | roadhouse 旅馆 | roading 公路建设

3. 公路旁的旅馆:roadholding 车辆在不同道路行驶的安定性能 | roadhouse 公路旁的旅馆 | roadhouse 公路旁的旅馆

roadhouse 双语例句

1. Official site for the roadhouse rock and blues band includes biography, tour dates, pictures, and links.

2. Which is just fine with me, because I love my life, I love my giant Roadhouse family.
    那对我来说很好,因为我爱我的生活,还有亲爱的 Roadhouse 大家庭。

3. It was a great place for a roadhouse, 'he says.

4. Only the people at the Roadhouse can do that.
    只有那些在Roadhouse 的人能保护我们。

5. I think all of the hunters who come into Roadhouse are amazing.
    我认为所有的进入 Roadhouse 的猎手都是令人惊异的。


6. Lots of guys at the Roadhouse keep them, and sometimes they let me see parts.
    在 Roadhouse 的许多家伙都保存自己的日志,而有时他们会让我看其中的小部分。

7. When we got back to the Roadhouse, he offered to give me pointers on my fighting.
    当我们回到 Roadhouse的时候,他表示给我指点一下我这场战斗,他说我的技术是小儿科,但是我的本能反应没有错。


8. The twin clay chimneys of Sistan's roadhouse were smoking, but the road was empty, the sun bright.

9. But for the two years that he ran Tim's Texas Roadhouse on a dusty strip called Super Bar Street here, Tim Hilbert says he felt right at home.
    不过希尔伯特说,在北京那条狭长而尘土飞扬的星吧路上经营Tim's Texas Roadhouse餐馆的两年里,他感觉就跟在老家一样。


10. I said I'll quit the roadhouse and I will.

11. We had a few drinks in a Roadhouse off the main highway.

12. Motel is a kind of Roadhouse with special facilities for motor vehicle.


13. Oh, did I tell you Dougie sold the roadhouse?

roadhouse 词典解释

1. (城外公路旁的)路边餐馆,路旁酒吧
    A roadhouse is a bar or restaurant on a road outside a city.

roadhouse 单语例句


1. " The new location is poor and the landlord has a terrible reputation with everybody, " said Tim Hilbert who owned Tim's Texas Roadhouse.

2. Hilbert said he is unsure where he will reopen Tim's Texas Roadhouse.

roadhouse 英英释义


1. an inn (usually outside city limits on a main road) providing meals and liquor and dancing and (sometimes) gambling
