
risky [ˈrɪski]  [ˈrɪski] 




risky 基本解释

形容词冒险的,危险的; 大胆的; <口>近乎猥亵的

risky 相关例句



1. It is a risky undertaking.

risky 网络解释


1. 危险的:就在大选日临近时,cnn和fox新闻等大媒体连续数天播放了共和党的一个政治行动委员会(goptrust)的宣传广告,播出奥巴马的牧师赖特的几段极端言论,说奥巴马与这样的人在一起长达20年,居然还没有任何抱怨,据此警告选民,奥巴马是极端激进的(radical)和危险的(risky).

2. 冒險:0种闪人中文片名 <<怪物史莱克>>又名<<怪物史瑞克>> 英文片名 Shrek 出产地区 美国 发行公司 梦工厂(DreamWorks) 首映日期 2001年04月22日(美国) 影片内型 ...影片内型 动画(Animation)/喜剧(Comedy)/爱情(Love)/冒险(Risky)

3. 危险的;冒险的:Prediction 预测 | Risky 危险的;冒险的 | Resources 资源(常作复数)

risky 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 危险的;有风险的
    If an activity or action is risky, it is dangerous or likely to fail.

    e.g. Investing in airlines is a very risky business...
    e.g. It's risky to assume that we know what voters will be thinking in a year's time.

risky 单语例句

1. It means it is risky business for both and should ensure an attacking game in which two teams come to win.

2. risky的解释

2. The Canadian government introduced legislation on Friday to force strikers to return to work, saying the work stoppage was becoming risky for the Canadian economy.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Fraunhofer says the readings can also be transmitted to one's cardiologist who can advise whether or not activity is risky.

4. The birth was risky for a mature mother like Huang, who had her son delivered by cesarean section.

5. Some writers deliberately add pornographic descriptions in their works, but such moves are risky because of online censorship.

6. The Group of 20 pledged to halve budget deficits by 2013 without stunting growth, and clamp down on risky bank behavior without choking off lending.

7. The declines came amid an ongoing central government clampdown on speculation in the futures market, which it deemed too risky.

8. Wen warned governments at the local level to keep a close eye out for risky loans.

9. Investigators blamed managers of the colliery for violating safety rules by ordering miners to enter the pit under risky conditions.

10. Perhaps this is not surprising given the loan defaults from risky commercial lending of recent past.

risky 英英释义



1. involving risk or danger

    e.g. skydiving is a hazardous sport
           extremely risky going out in the tide and fog
           a wild financial scheme

    Synonym: hazardous wild

2. risky的解释

2. not financially safe or secure

    e.g. a bad investment
           high risk investments
           anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky
           speculative business enterprises

    Synonym: bad high-risk speculative
