rise in price

rise in price [raiz in prais]  [raɪz ɪn praɪs] 

rise in price 基本解释

价格上涨; 涨价; 调价; 贵

rise in price 网络解释

1. 价格上涨:medium volume swelling 中(程度)体积溶胀 | rise in price 价格上涨 | extraporate 具外孔的

2. 涨价:risk of warehouse to warehouse 仓库至仓库险 | rise in price 涨价 | rival commodities 竞争商品

3. 上涨:He is looking a name up in the telePhone directory.他在电话簿里找一个人的名字. | 3. rise in price上涨 | The price of goods is looking up.物价正在上涨.

rise in price 单语例句

1. Although Wuliangye said it expected the price rise to affect its business this year, analysts are optimistic about the company's performance in 2010.

2. The dramatic collapse in oil prices in the second half of this year has understandably given rise to a gloomy forecast on the price trend.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. This combination of factors has accelerated the rise in the price of gold.

4. The recent price rise in COMEX copper is a leading indicator of this change.

5. Qi said the commodity price will continue to rise in the coming months.

6. The coal price has been in constant decline since last November, but recently started to rise slightly.

7. The increases came as the city posted a slower rise in the consumer price index than the provincial average.

8. rise in price的近义词

8. Despite the continuous rise of the crude oil price on the international market, the price of the finished oil products is under administrative control in China.

9. Soybean oil is the major cooking oil consumed in China and its price is expected to rise due to tight domestic and international supplies.

10. The first analysis feature is the typhoon flag pattern that developed after the fast rise in the oil price from $ 86 to $ 105.
