ring road

ring road [riŋ roʊd]  [rɪŋ rəʊd] 

第三人称复数:ring roads

ring road 基本解释
ring road 网络解释

1. 环路:猴庙是尼泊尔非常著名的佛教寺庙,后来我们曾遇到一个尼泊尔的官员,在环路(RING ROAD)上很远地看到猴庙,就开始虔诚地祈祷,可见猴庙在尼泊尔佛教信徒心目中的地位.

2. 环形路:地图上显示,在泰米尔区西北方向,环形路(Ring Road)的东边,有一大片风景区,离66我老人家住的旅馆约三公里,我决定走过去看看. 这天的天气很好,这是路边的尼泊尔民居,有钱人家的房子. 在一个小山上,分布着大大小小的六七个藏传佛教庙宇,

3. 环城路:胡特可西河(BHOTE KOSI)是尼泊尔最险峻的河流,但我去的时候(6月份)并不是最好的漂流季帕坦也叫拉利特普尔(Lalitpur),梵语为美丽之城,面积约18平方公里,是尼泊尔的第二大城市,位于加德满都南面,与加德满都仅隔一条巴格马蒂河,而且与加都同在一个环城路(Ring Road)圈内.

4. 环行路:walk, promenade 散步的路 | ring road 环行路 | alley 胡同

ring road 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The construction of the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing is buzzing, but such an urban layout featuring " concentric circles " is under attack from critics.

2. MOSCOW - A wholesale market jointly funded by China and Russia and selling Chinese goods opened Thursday near the Moscow Ring Road.

3. The smoke around the restaurant caught the attention of many residents in nearby communities, causing traffic jams on North Third Ring Road.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. As Beijing's key city project to help treat its daily garbage, the center was built in 2002 outside the Fifth Ring Road in Chaoyang district.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. The festival's seventh run will take place at the Chaoyang Sports Center and Chaoyang Park, both of which are within the East Fourth Ring Road.

6. ring road的解释

6. Cops caught the car after a chase along a crowded section of the Fourth Ring Road.

7. ring road

7. In addition, the Fourth Ring Road began its full service in time for the Universiade in June.

8. It covers Beijing's city proper circling along the Second Ring Road.

9. ring road什么意思

9. To coincide with National Eye Caring Day on June 6, an eye bar will open near Beijing's west third ring road.

10. The compendium says that more urban public facilities and entertainment sites will be encouraged in newly developed areas beyond the Third Ring Road.

ring road 英英释义


1. a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the center

    Synonym: beltway bypass ringway
