rights of way

rights of way

rights of way 单语例句

1. But the new proposal in no way intends to change the collective ownership of land because it only talks about land use and management rights.

2. Augusto Pinochet of his immunity from prosecution Friday, paving the way for the trial of the former Chilean dictator on human rights charges.

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3. Collective bargaining was first raised in 2000 as a way to balance the rights of employees and profits of employers.

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4. Zheng said China is dedicated to clear the way for migrant workers this year, and has put safeguarding migrant farmers'rights on top of their employment agenda.

5. China is dedicated to clearing the way for migrant workers this year, and has put safeguarding migrant farmers'rights on top of their employment agenda.

6. China admits that it has a long way to go before it attains the lofty goal of full enjoyment of human rights.

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7. The Chinese way of practicing human rights is to put the people's interests above everything else and to serve the people wholeheartedly.

8. rights of way

8. All these things have gone a long way towards safeguarding impartial justice and the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects.

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9. The only way villagers can report infringements of their rights is to lodge complaints with higher authorities.

10. It said the increase will be carried out by way of a rights issue to existing Continental shareholders.
