投票权; 表决权
1. 投票权:这里应当注意的一个问题是,选举权(right of election)有别于投票权(right to vote). 在通常情况下,二者可以通用,因为选举权是指公民选择公职人员的资格,投票权也有这一层含义. 但后者还指享有选举权的人能否具体参加某一选举活动的资格.
2. 投票权;选举权:投票权 entitlement to vote | 投票权;选举权 right to vote | 投票权;选举权 voting right
1. The centenary exhibition " Right to Vote - Trust in Law " has been shown in many different languages all over the world.
2. Implementing the Electoral Law, and guarantee citizens'right to vote and to be elected.
3. The Electoral Law further enriches stipulations on the electoral mechanism and procedures, and guarantees the protection of citizens equal right to vote.
4. Tuesday's ruling follows the emirate's move in 2005 to grant women the right to vote and compete in elections.
5. Lee added that local permanent residents generally enjoy the right to vote, and the government should always ensure a citizen can exercise that right.
6. The government said it will apply to the High Court to suspend a ruling that says prisoners should not forfeit the right to vote.
7. Given that " one man one vote " is an inalienable democratic right, the public is not demanding too much if they wish to enjoy such a right.
8. Any organization or individual should not obstruct voters and deputies from freely exercising their right to vote in any form.
9. People who have been deprived of their political rights according to law do not have the right to vote and stand for election.
10. Party officials told The Associated Press they wanted to reserve the right to take part in the vote if the election is not postponed.