
rick [rɪk]  [rɪk] 







rick 基本解释



rick 相关例句


1. I've ricked my back.

rick 网络解释


1. 干草堆:ricin 篦麻毒素 | rick 干草堆 | ricketiness 摇摆

2. 谷堆:rich pasture 肥沃草地 | rick 谷堆 | rickettsiosis 立克次氏体病

rick 词典解释

1. 扭伤,拉伤(脖子)
    If you rick your neck, you hurt it by pulling or twisting it in an unusual way.

    e.g. Kernaghan missed the United game after he ricked his neck...
    e.g. He recovered from a ricked neck.

in AM, use 美国英语用 wrench

2. 干草堆;草垛
    A rick is a large pile of dried grass or straw that is built in a regular shape and kept in a field until it is needed.

rick 单语例句

1. Barea, a championship caliber team was created for canny coach Rick Carlisle to manage.

2. Nokia's Chief Financial Officer Rick Simonson told Bloomberg TV it was too early to call the bottom of the market.

3. " The sixth foul call on Jermaine was a tough call, " Indiana coach Rick Carlisle said.

4. rick的意思

4. Rick was being very charming with her and the other stars seemed a little wary of chatting to her.

5. Kathy and Rick Hilton threw a party at Le Cirque to welcome daughter Paris'new fragrance into the world.

6. General Motors'China CEO Rick Wagoner predicts at least another six months before a turnaround, and Hyundai Motor Co warns the market could stay flat next year.

7. rick的翻译

7. " We welcome the decision to allow us in the competition next season, " Liverpool chief executive Rick Parry said.

8. New York also learned earlier in the day that goalie Rick DiPietro would be sidelined indefinitely with concussion symptoms.

9. Bennett was in Seattle on Monday and spent the morning meeting with general manager Rick Sund to discuss pending contract situations.

10. The " House of Wax " actress asserts that she didn't support the release of steamy video with her ex lover Rick Solomon to made more cash.

rick 英英释义


1. a stack of hay

    Synonym: haystack hayrick

2. a painful muscle spasm especially in the neck or back (`rick' and `wrick' are British)

    Synonym: crick kink wrick


1. rick是什么意思

1. twist suddenly so as to sprain

    e.g. wrench one's ankle
           The wrestler twisted his shoulder
           the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell
           I turned my ankle and couldn't walk for several days

    Synonym: twist sprain wrench turn wrick

2. pile in ricks

    e.g. rick hay
