
ribaldry [ˈrɪbldri]  [ˈrɪbəldri, ˈraɪ-] 

ribaldry 基本解释


ribaldry 网络解释


1. 下流:ribaldly 下流地 | ribaldry 下流 | riband 丝带

2. 猥亵的话:ribald 说下流话的人 | ribaldry 猥亵的话 | ribaldsequacious 卑贱的

3. 下流; 猥亵的话; 粗鄙 (名):ribaldly 下流地; 猥亵地 (副) | ribaldry 下流; 猥亵的话; 粗鄙 (名) | ribbing 肋材构架; 肋材; 肋骨; 肋骨状组织 (名)

ribaldry 双语例句

1. If you see a beautiful boy or a beautiful woman, you will find continence the faculty to exercise there; if trouble is laid on you, you will find endurance; if ribaldry, you will find patience.

2. His ribaldry e mba rrassed the elegant lady.

3. The agony, the reverence, the love of God and of humanity in his voice, are beyond belief in this man, who minutes before was performing the rawest ribaldry

4. His ribaldry embarrassed the elegant lady.

5. Brezhnev is said to have tolerated such ribaldry in the belief that it showed he was liked.

6. He was roused to laughter by her ribaldry.


7. Was buried with indecent haste; indecorous behavior; language unbecoming to a lady; unseemly to use profanity; moved to curb their untoward ribaldry.

ribaldry 单语例句

1. " Sex addiction " is a subject that often prompts ribaldry rather than sympathy, especially if a Hollywood star is involved.

ribaldry 英英释义


1. behavior or language bordering on indelicacy

    Synonym: gaminess raciness spiciness

2. ribald humor
