
rhyme [raɪm]  [raɪm] 








rhyme 基本解释

名词韵脚; 韵文; 押韵词

动词押韵; 作押韵诗

rhyme 相关词组

1. without rhyme or reason : 莫名其妙, 毫无道理;

rhyme 相关例句


1. Blank verse is not rhymed.

2. He rhymed out sonnets in her praise.

3. He would rhyme away the long evenings.


1. Tennyson's work was mostly in rhyme.

2. Children like to read little rhymes.

3. Gay broad leaves shone and swung in rhyme.

rhyme 网络解释

1. 韵律:如果是MF的话可以考虑用韵律(rhyme)这个符文装备. 3、帽子上镶两个完美黄宝石可以用来MF,或者镶+力量的珠宝或石头,衣服镶13#(shael)符文或-req+力量的珠宝,锤子镶13#和15ias珠宝,最后要使锤子总ias到70+

2. 尾韵:人们已使用这种文学手法有效地传达各种各样感官的印象,英语谚语中有很多应用元音韵的例子,如: Bloodisthickerthanwater.(血浓于水) Afriendinneedisafriendindeed.(患难见真情) 尾韵(rhyme)是指词尾中一些相同辅音的重复,

3. 押韵:对抗射击物时防御度提升 30;能量值 +10;活力值 +10;所受伤害 10%转变成 Mana的提升;所受魔法伤害减少 3;Mana +33;所受伤害减少 7;光照范围 +5 押韵(Rhyme) 盾牌系 2个符夏/沙尔(Hae/Shael)+爱斯(Eth) 格挡成功率提升 20%;

rhyme 词典解释

1. 押韵;成韵
    If one word rhymes with another or if two words rhyme, they have a very similar sound. Words that rhyme with each other are often used in poems.

    e.g. June always rhymes with moon in old love songs.
    e.g. ...the sort of people who give their children names that rhyme: Donnie, Ronnie, Connie.
           给孩子取Donnie, Ronnie, Connie之类押韵的名字的父母

2. (诗或歌)押韵
    If a poem or song rhymes, the lines end with words that have very similar sounds.

    e.g. In his efforts to make it rhyme he seems to have chosen the first word that comes into his head.
    e.g. ...rhyming couplets.

3. 押韵词;同韵词;押韵的诗行
    A rhyme is a word which rhymes with another word, or a set of lines which rhyme.

    e.g. The one rhyme for passion is fashion...
    e.g. The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.

4. 押韵短诗
    A rhyme is a short poem which has rhyming words at the ends of its lines.

    e.g. He was teaching Helen a little rhyme.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 押韵;用韵
    Rhyme is the use of rhyming words as a technique in poetry. If something is written in rhyme, it is written as a poem in which the lines rhyme.

    e.g. Porter stayed within the rules of rhyme...
    e.g. The plays are in rhyme.

6. 莫名其妙;无缘无故;毫无道理
    If something happens or is done without rhyme or reason, there seems to be no logical reason for it to happen or be done.

    e.g. He picked people on a whim, without rhyme or reason.

rhyme 单语例句

1. rhyme

1. The nursery rhyme saved the day, and the company was none the wiser.

2. Because they grow on the mountains, northern Fujian oolong teas are known for their floral fragrance and a " rock rhyme ".

3. But you can still hear about its origin in a traditional rhyme.

4. Some people suggested that I write a letter to her, but it was not easy to explain the rhyme or reason.

5. Then an invisible killer strikes, in accordance with the lyrics of an old children's rhyme.

6. A new Rhyme novel is due out in June in the United States and July in Britain.

rhyme 英英释义



1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. a piece of poetry

    Synonym: verse

2. rhyme的解释

2. correspondence in the sounds of two or more lines (especially final sounds)

    Synonym: rime


1. compose rhymes

    Synonym: rime

2. be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable

    e.g. hat and cat rhyme

    Synonym: rime
