1. I had rhubarb tart with a lot of cream.
1. 大黄:可溶解草酸盐类(SOLUBLE OXALATES) 大黄(Rhubarb)酸模(Dock) 草酸盐会溶解进入血液中,并且螯合钙离子. 这些草酸钙会进入到肾小管中造成阻塞与坏死的现象. 毒蛋白素与植物毒类(TOXALBUMINS OR PHYTOTOXINS)洋槐(black locust) 这些毒素会破坏蛋白质,
2. 食用大黄:有时候作为观赏植物培养,很难用种子繁殖,因此此类植物的繁殖多用分根法食用大黄(Rhubarb)在我国已有少量引种,另外在中国西部也分布有大量大黄植物,因此在这里我翻译了一些西方的大黄食谱.
3. 大黄粉末:大腹皮粉末Areca Peel | 大黄粉末Rhubarb | 大蓟粉末Japanese Thistle
4. 雅黄:Rhovyl 罗维尔聚氯乙烯长丝 | rhubarb 雅黄 | rhumbatron 空腔谐振器
1. rhubarb
1. 大黄(其茎可食用)
Rhubarb is a plant with large leaves and long red stems. You can cook the stems with sugar to make jam or puddings.
1. rhubarb
1. Rhubarb is also high in calcium for the bones, and potassium to keep blood pressure in check and protect the heart.
2. Reduce the heat and allow it to simmer until the rhubarb softens, poke it with a fork to feel the desired softness.
1. long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and sweetened
Synonym: pieplant
2. plants having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks growing in basal clumps
stems (and only the stems) are edible when cooked
leaves are poisonous
Synonym: rhubarb plant