
revised [rɪ'vaɪzd]  [rɪ'vaɪzd] 





revised 基本解释
经过修订的;修正;修订( revise的过去式和过去分词 );改变;复习;
revised 网络解释

1. 修订:但是,为了力求改进其收敛速度,已经制定出一个修订的版本,这个版本叫做SIMPLER(产生于1980年),它代表修订(Revised)的SIMPLE的意思. 一次SIMPLER迭代需要较多的计算机内存,然而它只要较少的迭代次数就可以达到收敛,

2. 修改:张燕吟07年11月22日发给秦进红经过修改(revised)的email足以说明中方、澳方相互勾结,根本不按堪培拉大学制定的有关离岸学生学术准则办事,完全丧失了最起码的学术道德.

3. 修正:最初的GNP报告称为先行(Advance)报告,公布於当季结束后的第一个月内. 这份报告的估计值代表相当不完整的资料,因此某些数据通常会出现大幅修正. 因此经济分析局会於接下来两个月陆续公布初步(Preliminary)与修正(Revised)估计值.

4. 修改后,已经校正,已经修订:Full Container Address:还重柜地点 | revised:修改后,已经校正,已经修订 | Discharge Port:卸货港

revised 单语例句

1. Honda will hold a press conference later in the day to disclose revised earnings forecast for the current business year.

2. revised的意思

2. The revised law deleted the provision that no patent right shall be granted for pharmaceutical products and substances obtained by means of a chemical process.

3. revised

3. The NBS will release the country's property price index on Friday, the first time it will incorporate a revised method of calculation.

4. revised的反义词

4. The revised campus regulations also offer university officials more say in punishing students who are caught cheating in an exam or plagiarizing research achievements.

5. revised的解释

5. The revised law strengthens sanctions against illegal operations through adopting more severe punishments, from criminal penalties to administrative penalties and cancellation of operators'qualifications.

6. The newly revised Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service has further perfected the military service system pertaining to PLA officers.

7. A catalog detailing the weapons private companies can develop and produce is being revised and will be released later.

8. In a bid to coordinate the country's regional development, the revised catalogue abandoned the article confining foreign investment in central and western China.

9. The revised catalogue reflects expansion in the investment scope encouraged by the state and highlights priority industries.

10. The NDRC has already listed the area as a development priority in its revised industry catalogue for foreign investment.

revised 英英释义


1. revised的翻译

1. improved or brought up to date

    e.g. a revised edition

2. altered or revised by rephrasing or by adding or deleting material

    e.g. the amended bill passed easily
