
retrieve [rɪˈtri:v]  [rɪˈtriv] 








retrieve 基本解释

及物动词取回; 恢复; [计]检索; 重新得到


名词取回; 恢复,挽回; [计]检索

retrieve 相关例句


1. I ran back to my room and retrieved my bag.

retrieve 网络解释


1. 恢复:形态基准被赋予的价值,不只拥有能识别出工作产品中值得注意的状态的能力,也提供另一独特的重点:资料回溯(恢复)(retrieve)的能力. 一旦资料回溯,在那一小部分的工作产品的状态,共用了变更历史中相同的意涵,而该意涵也受到监视,

2. 回收:使用另一个DOM方法(setAttribute)来设置表格的边界属性. setAttribute有两个参数:属性的名称和属性的值. 你可以使用这个方法来设置任意元素的任意属性. 如果你的对象是一个文字节点,你可以使用data属性来回收(retrieve)节点的文字内容

3. retrieve:retr; 从磁盘读入模型文件

retrieve 词典解释

1. 取回;找回
    If you retrieve something, you get it back from the place where you left it.

    e.g. He reached over and retrieved his jacket from the back seat...
    e.g. The men were trying to retrieve weapons left when the army abandoned the island.

2. 使重新回到,挽回(某种局面)
    If you manage to retrieve a situation, you succeed in bringing it back into a more acceptable state.

    e.g. He is the one man who could retrieve that situation.


3. (计算机、大脑)检索,搜索(信息)
    To retrieve information from a computer or from your memory means to get it back.

    e.g. Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits...
    e.g. As the child gets older, so his or her strategies for storing and retrieving information improve.

retrieve 单语例句

1. retrieve是什么意思

1. Simpson says he went into a casino hotel room only to retrieve memorabilia that he felt was stolen from him.

2. The death toll from a collapsed bridge in Central China's Hunan Province rose to 29 yesterday as rescuers continued to retrieve bodies from the rubble.

3. Half of the cordons have been lifted in Christchurch's central city, and business owners and tenants have been streaming in to survey damage and retrieve valuables.

4. retrieve是什么意思

4. The crew was also unable to retrieve the ring, but they asked Yang for his contact details.

5. Jones declared last week that Young was in contempt for not immediately turning over the tape when deputies initially went to retrieve it from him.

6. Seoul had long sought to retrieve the books, which dictate the protocols of royal ceremonies and rituals with colorful illustrations.

7. retrieve在线翻译

7. The drama features a young urban couple's painstaking effort to retrieve their happy marriage, which is being challenged by the appearance of a competitive third party.

8. Relief teams rushed to the site following the emergency call, but were only able to retrieve a single survivor and two bodies.

9. Fu said he went to the scene and noticed that soldiers were suffering from emotional pain as they retrieve corpses and body parts.

10. Tuesday's fatal mission was to retrieve the bodies of five army personnel who died when another helicopter went down in bad weather last weekend.

retrieve 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. recall knowledge from memory
    have a recollection

    e.g. I can't remember saying any such thing
           I can't think what her last name was
           can you remember her phone number?
           Do you remember that he once loved you?
           call up memories

    Synonym: remember recall call back call up recollect think

2. run after, pick up, and bring to the master

    e.g. train the dog to retrieve

3. retrieve的翻译

3. go for and bring back

    e.g. retrieve the car from the parking garage

4. get or find back
    recover the use of

    e.g. She regained control of herself
           She found her voice and replied quickly

    Synonym: recover find regain
