
retraction [rɪˈtrækʃn]  [rɪˈtrækʃən] 


retraction 基本解释

名词缩回; 收回; 缩入

retraction 网络解释


1. 回缩:肌球蛋白在轴突导向中的作用被认为是通过其收缩引起轴突生长锥的回缩(retraction)及塌陷(collapse). Rho 家族的小分子鸟苷酸三磷酸酶(Small GTPases of Rho family, Rho GTPases)是对细胞骨架的调节作用起到关键作用的分子.

2. 收缩:目前上臂抽脂我们是採用超音波碎脂抽脂再加传统抽脂来进行,先震碎乳化脂肪再抽出,除了有效率也可增加术后皮肤收缩 ( retraction)的程度,尽可能术后穿压力衣以避免术后肿胀,也有助于皮肤收缩,尽速达到更完美的曲线.

3. 收回:retain 保持, 保留 | retraction收回 | reverberatory furnace反射炉

4. 退缩:视网膜运动现象 retinomotor phenomenon | 退缩 retraction | 牵缩肌 retractor

retraction 单语例句

1. Iglesias has said that he wants a written retraction from the Justice Department stating that performance had nothing to do with his dismissal.

2. Admission and retraction amount to a loss of face rather than a display of integrity.

3. Foxconn said it was heartened by the retraction of a US radio station's program involving fabricated statements about its factories on Monday.

4. retraction的翻译

4. But the retraction comes at a potentially embarrassing time, with Washington already under fire for the accuracy of its intelligence.

retraction 英英释义



1. the act of pulling or holding or drawing a part back

    e.g. the retraction of the landing gear
           retraction of the foreskin

2. a disavowal or taking back of a previous assertion

    Synonym: abjuration recantation
