
resume [rɪ'zju:m]  [rɪ'zju:m] 







resume 基本解释

动词继续; 重新开始; 恢复职位

名词简历; 摘要

resume 相关例句


1. They won the battle and resumed lost territory.

2. They proposed that he should resume his job as farmhand.

3. Those standing may now resume their seats.


1. He paused, drank a glass of his wine, reflected for a moment, and resumed.


1. The professor asked Peter to write a resume about this book.

resume 网络解释


1. 继续:用户端要求具备正常播放(PLAY)、快进(FF)、快退(FB)、暂停(PAUSE)、继续(RESUME)和停止(STOP)等功能,在RTSP中,FF、FB和RESUME报文的格式和PLAY报文的格式相同,只是某些参数存在差异.

2. 重新开始:1.关掉佳能的打印机(切断佳能打印机的电源) 2.按住重新开始(resume)按钮(即:三角形中的红色圆圈),添加打印机(即:点击Power电源按钮),这时绿色指示灯被点亮 3.按住power(电源)按钮, 松开重新开始(resume)按钮 4.不要松开power按钮,

resume 词典解释

1. (使)重新开始;(使)继续进行
    If you resume an activity or if it resumes, it begins again.

    e.g. After the war he resumed his duties at Emmanuel College...
    e.g. The search is expected to resume early today.

It is premature to speculate about the resumption of negotiations.

2. 恢复(职位);回到(座位)
    If you resume your seat or position, you return to the seat or position you were in before you moved.

    e.g. 'I changed my mind,' Blanche said, resuming her seat.

3. 继续说;接着说
    If someone resumes, they begin speaking again after they have stopped for a short time.

    e.g. 'Hey, Judith,' he resumed, 'tell me all about yourself.'

resume 单语例句

1. Premium property dealers claim the government's policy to resume restrictions on foreign people buying local properties will not hurt sales.

2. Remember that recruitment consultants receive more than 50 resumes every day so always follow up with a phone call after sending out your resume.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Mission Control finally instructed them to call it a day and resume the effort Monday morning.

4. He called for Israel to stop its occupation of Palestinian territory and resume the peace process as soon as possible.

5. resume

5. The official said Tripoli will remain the capital of Libya, calling on the police to resume work and restore order in the city.

6. It took around 20 minutes or so for Zhang to resume her usual naturalness and calmness.

7. Travel Industry Council Executive Director Joseph Tung said Thailand tours will not resume operations immediately despite cancellation of travel warning.

8. resume的解释

8. The last flight to resume will take off Tuesday morning from Tianjin to Kunming, capital of Yunnan province in southwest China.

9. This kind of activity would resume in the future, said Jia.

10. A forum of six Arab states plus Turkey has urged Israel to halt all settlement activity so Mideast peace negotiations can resume.

resume 英英释义


1. a summary of your academic and work history

    Synonym: curriculum vitae CV

2. short descriptive summary (of events)

    Synonym: sketch survey


1. take up or begin anew

    e.g. We resumed the negotiations

    Synonym: restart re-start

2. return to a previous location or condition

    e.g. The painting resumed its old condition when we restored it

    Synonym: take up

3. give a summary (of)

    e.g. he summed up his results
           I will now summarize

    Synonym: sum up summarize summarise


4. assume anew

    e.g. resume a title
           resume an office
           resume one's duties
