
restraining [rɪ'streɪnɪŋ]  [rɪ'streɪnɪŋ] 






restraining 基本解释
抑制的,遏制的,控制的;控制;制止;抑制( restrain的现在分词 );管制;
restraining 网络解释

1. 抑制:restrainer 限制器 酸洗缓蚀剂 抑制剂 | restraining 抑制 | restrainingcoil 阻尼线圈 制动线圈

2. 抑制的:restrainedly 限制地 | restraining 抑制的 | restraint of trade 贸易管制

3. 抑制的,遏制的:154. binding 有约束力的 | restraining 抑制的,遏制的 | sustaining 持续的,支持的

4. (相)克:engendering (相)生 | restraining (相)克 | overwhelming (相)乘

restraining 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. But her concerns evaporated when both men agreed they could abide by the restrictions of the restraining order.

2. Nicole Richie has been granted a restraining order against two paparazzi who she claims caused her recent car accident.

3. restraining的解释

3. That has made people and businesses more cautious in their spending and investment, restraining overall economic activity.

4. Restraining orders against stalkers and civil remedies for victims are also suggested for the proposed legislation.

5. The move sent a clear signal that the government is serious about restraining bank lending.

6. A state Supreme Court judge issued a ruling Tuesday denying stadium opponents a temporary restraining order to halt stadium construction.

7. His comments followed continuous declines in China's bourses partly caused by fears of capital shortages after a series of restraining measures and huge refinancing.

8. restraining的反义词

8. " The difficulty of restraining credit growth without an effective interest rate tool is obvious, " he said.

9. restraining

9. Couldn't the hospital apply for a restraining order to prevent her from going home, knowing dark well that the chance of her committing suicide was high?

10. restraining是什么意思

10. The Chinese government has been very successful restraining itself from excessive deficit spending.
