
restrained [rɪˈstreɪnd] [rɪsˈtreɪnd] 




restrained 基本解释



动词抑制( restrain的过去式); 管制; 制止; 控制

restrained 网络解释


1. 受限制的:restrain 抑制 | restrained 受限制的 | restrainedly 限制地

2. 矜持:7. Trouble which the moon gets into 月亮惹的祸 | 8. Restrained 矜持 | 9. Go home 回家

3. 拘谨的:restraincontrol 按捺 | restrained 拘谨的 | restrainedly 忍耐地

4. 严谨的,包裹的:8.studs: 钉珠的服装 | 9.restrained: 严谨的,包裹的 | workwear: 性感迷人的工作服

restrained 词典解释

1. 克制的;冷静的;不动声色的
    Someone who is restrained is very calm and unemotional.

    e.g. In the circumstances he felt he'd been very restrained...
    e.g. Livy thought Caroline's greeting seemed a little restrained.

2. (穿着、装饰等)简单的,淡雅的,朴素的
    If you describe someone's clothes or the decorations in a house as restrained, you mean that you like them because they are simple and not too brightly-coloured.

    e.g. Her black suit was restrained and expensive.

restrained 单语例句

1. If capital and demand are restrained in all aspects, the development will be certainly slow.

2. restrained

2. Celebrated cellist Wang Jian infused restrained passion into Dvorak's cello concerto.

3. Unless a key link in the chain is removed - farmers restrained from slaughtering, processing or eating affected animals - there will always be a risk.

4. restrained的解释

4. An ordinance endorsed Tuesday by a City Council committee would require any animal in a vehicle to be restrained so it doesn't fall out.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Some headhunters contend that Wall Street firms have been restrained with their cuts, concentrating on mortgage and corporate lending or trimming at edges.

6. restrained的翻译

6. Only if administrative power is restrained and market monopolies broken can further reform be stimulated.

7. Greenspan confessed recently that the Fed should have monitored and restrained overgenerous and irresponsible lending, but he didn't intervene in the free market.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. The government body explained that the demand is restrained considerably by high domestic copper prices, bolstered by price hikes in the international market.

9. China consistently upholds the policy of no first use of nuclear weapons, and adopts an extremely restrained attitude toward the development of nuclear weapons.

10. But these ostensibly restrained and constructive gestures could not mask Tokyo's true intent and restlessness.

restrained 英英释义


1. prudent

    e.g. guarded optimism

    Synonym: guarded

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. cool and formal in manner

    Synonym: reticent unemotional

3. not showy or obtrusive

    e.g. clothes in quiet good taste

    Synonym: quiet

4. under restraint

5. marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes

    e.g. moderate in his demands
           restrained in his response

    Synonym: moderate
