response rate

response rate [riˈspɔns reit]  [rɪˈspɑns ret] 

response rate 基本解释
response rate 网络解释

response rate的反义词

1. 回收率:根据日本网络市调公司研究结果统计指出,四十八小时内电子邮件问卷的回收率(Response rate)可以高达84%,而一般的电子邮件问卷在品质良好的名单以及适当的问卷设计下,平均三天的回收率也有在45~20%之间.

2. 反应率:2007年4月间,於美国癌症研究学会(AACR)年度大会中所发表的一项跨国临床研究(EPIC)显示,相较於单独使用「抗癌妥」,将「尔必得舒」搭配「抗癌妥」用於转移性大肠直肠癌患者的第二线治疗,能够有效增加病患的治疗反应率(response rate)以及无恶化存活期(

3. 回应率:过去在行销活动的绩效评估上,多是依赖回应率(response rate)及「每一交易之成本」(Cost Per Sale, CPS). 不过,曹青清表示, CPS则不能反映产品毛利率或行销成本. 而回应率则两种都看不出. 而选用campaign ROI模式,则可以克服两者的缺点.

4. 响应率:随着许可电子邮件(Opt-in)的不断增长和电子邮件响应率(Response Rate)也在不断增加,国内直效营销市场将逐渐发展,走向成熟. 网易将继续利用国内最大的注册用户群的优势,通过各种推广方式与技术,深化及细化用户所允许的个人信息,

response rate 单语例句

1. The response of bone to loading is determined by the magnitude of the force, and the rate and direction at which it is applied.

2. A government spokesman said the lower inflation rate reflected the flexibility of local costs and an adjustment of prices in response to the economic downturn.

3. Ma's remarks came in response to the US Senate's passing of the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act on Tuesday.

4. In response, the prime lending rate for millions of borrowers will drop by a corresponding amount.

5. While the US rate hike was a quick response to the latest inflation report, the Chinese rate change was long overdue.

6. In response to the Fed's rate decision, commercial banks lifted their prime lending rates to 7 percent.

7. At what rate, will " depend on the response from customers and the evolution of the market ".

8. In response to press questions, Zhou also explained the central bank's interest rate policy.
