
resow [rɪ'səʊ]  [rɪ'soʊ] 

resow 基本解释
resow 网络解释


1. 补种:resourcesurveysatellite 资源考察卫星 | resow 补种 | resowgrass 补播草

resow 双语例句

1. They resow well it-self and bloom at he end of three years.
    他们resow 好它自我和花在他3 年的末端。

2. Tianjin is also the first country to achieve a government-funded, free for children aged 2-13 resow hepatitis B vaccine, and have achieved remarkable results.

3. These white, roses and cream primroses resow it-self in the pebbles of a path.

4. Resow a first pin of live attenuated JE vaccine, one dose of vaccine a year`s time to strengthen it.

5. To sum up, your son, if long-term exposure to hepatitis B virus carriers, then there is likely to be infected, it is best resow a hepatitis B vaccine or a blood genetically engineered vaccine, about 50% of the opportunities that arise, an effective immune.

6. Among others qualities, it grows fast and resow it-self abundantly in any grounds and even with the foot in the water several times in winter as here.

7. In addition, the immunization program in the rubella vaccine at age 1, when the need for vaccination, vaccination may not have been my son I was wondering whether they can resow?
