
resold [ˌri:ˈsəʊld]  [ˌri:'soʊld] 




resold 基本解释
再卖,转售( resell的过去式和过去分词 );
resold 网络解释


1. 倒卖:resol 甲阶酚醛树脂;可熔酚醛树脂 | resold 倒卖 | resole 可溶酚醛树酯

2. 再出售:resojet 喷气发动机 | resold 再出售 | resole 换鞋底

resold 单语例句

1. The chemical was mixed in milk from Zhao's company and resold to Sanlu Group.

2. resold的反义词

2. The family's finances were so dire at one stage that his Buddhist mother resold stolen bicycles to make ends meet.

3. resold的翻译

3. He resold the products he purchased at a profit, after the price hike took effect.

4. Gutter oil is the generic term for cooking oil that has been used and then resold.

5. Saddam allegedly sought to curry favor by giving former government officials, journalists and others vouchers for Iraqi oil that could then be resold at a profit.

6. That is until that prohibition has lapsed, the properties may be resold only to Hong Kong people.

7. resold的近义词

7. He then mixed it with fresh milk purchased from individual cow owners and resold it to Sanlu Group.

8. The purchase of the additional Blackstone stake does not require regulatory approval and can be carried out through the open market and be resold freely.

9. resold在线翻译

9. It soon became one of the most popular pirated software systems in China and was copied and resold by pirate software dealers around the country.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. Jiang resold some to the Tetra Pak company for recycling use and made handicrafts with the others.
