
reside [rɪˈzaɪd]  [rɪˈzaɪd] 






reside 基本解释

不及物动词住,居住,(官吏)留驻,驻在; (性质)存在,具备,(权力,权利等)属于,归于

reside 相关例句



1. The real power resides in the people.

2. Our guests reside at the Grand Hotel.

3. The power to declare war resides in Congress.

4. Its virtue resides in its clarity and brevity.

reside 网络解释

1. 居住:正式居住地(domicile)一词是法定住所(legal residence)的法律术语,来表示一个人在法律上应该居住(reside)的地方. 该地方可能与其实际住所(residence)不相同,在美国,正式居住地人口是指常住地的人口(usual residence). 7. 在美国,

2. 住:正式居住地(domicile)一词是法定住所(legal residence)的法律术语,来表示一个人在法律上应该居住(reside)的地方. 该地方可能与其实际住所(residence)不相同,在美国,正式居住地人口是指常住地的人口(usual residence). 7. 在美国,

3. 驻留:Reset my usage data 重置惯用数据 | reside 驻留 | resolve 解析

4. 居住,驻扎;属于:reservoir 水库 | reside 居住,驻扎;属于 | residence 居住;驻扎;住处

reside 词典解释

1. reside的近义词

1. 居住;定居
    If someone resides somewhere, they live there or are staying there.

    e.g. Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a London suburb...
    e.g. All single full-time students must reside in university residence halls.

2. 存在于;属于
    If a quality resides in something, the thing has that quality.

    e.g. Happiness does not reside in strength or money...
    e.g. The military is based on the principle that the ultimate authority resides in the armed forces.

reside 单语例句

1. Russian and American scientists say they have created two new " superheavy " elements that will reside at the extreme end of chemistry's periodic table of elements.

2. The faithful come to pray for good luck, prosperity and to the maternal goddesses who reside on the summit.

3. Danmark Post research has convinced that agency's officials that 20 million stamp collectors - about a third of the world's total - reside in China.

4. The Dais mostly reside in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunan Province in the south of China.

5. No person or organization has the right to restrict Chinese citizens'rights of freedom to reside in the territory of China.

6. We conjure up living species who reside there and alternately attack us or befriend us.

7. Most of these people reside in Hainan's hilly central areas and its eastern lands which are vulnerable to drought.

8. In China, each rural household is authorized only one piece of land to reside upon.

9. " Malignant racial biases can and do reside in interracial liaisons, " Kennedy wrote.

10. Both reside in the main asteroid belt, located between Mars and Jupiter.

reside 英英释义


1. live (in a certain place)

    e.g. She resides in Princeton
           he occupies two rooms on the top floor

    Synonym: occupy lodge in

2. reside的意思

2. make one's home in a particular place or community

    e.g. may parents reside in Florida

    Synonym: shack domicile domiciliate

3. reside的翻译

3. be inherent or innate in

    Synonym: rest repose
