
resemble [rɪˈzembl]  [rɪˈzɛmbəl] 






resemble 基本解释



resemble 反义词


resemble 网络解释

1. 相似:老鼠染上了一种叫HEPERVIRUS的病毒,对眼睛产生了影响,并且还生成了白内障,整个过程跟前面所提到的情形都很相似(RESEMBLE),所以科学家认为是抗生素造成了白内障,问为什么科学家得出这个结论?

2. 似:家庭成员是在不幸的程度而不是在幸福的程度方面彼此相似(resemble). 明尼苏达州大学做厂一项研究,人们测试了双胞胎的许多个性特征(personalitytrait). 在幸福方面,出生不久就被分开、长相很像的双胞胎不如一起抚养大的双胞胎幸福.

3. 类似:resemblance 类似点 | resemble 类似 | resent 愤慨

4. 像:request n vt请求 | resemble 像vt | reservation n预订;保留,犹豫

resemble 词典解释

1. 类似;与…相似;与…相像
    If one thing or person resembles another, they are similar to each other.

    e.g. Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour...
    e.g. She so resembles her mother.

resemble 单语例句

1. He brought marble from Canada to use as a " mountain " and carved a yellow and a red piece of pumpkin to resemble maple leaves.

2. resemble的反义词

2. The scales and whiskers of the carp resemble that of a dragon, a great symbol of power in China.

3. A school built with donations to resemble a European chateau has attracted criticism from some members of the public.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Slices of duck breast and red chili are fried to resemble Sichuan spicy chicken.

5. resemble

5. Unique in their shape and covered with pine trees, these rocks resemble a vivid Chinese painting.

6. It can resemble the sound of a cicada or that of a pigeon, depending on the type of diablo.

7. resemble在线翻译

7. They are placed to resemble a clump of real flowers, as they would grow in an actual flowerpot.

8. A set of changes in the mongoose's receptor makes it resemble the cobra's own resistant receptor.

9. The words " Beijing 2008 " also resemble vivid shapes of Chinese characters in handwriting, voicing in concise strokes the countless feelings Chinese people possess towards the Olympics.

10. He said that cooperation will probably resemble similar agreements, such as those used in the past in the exploration for conventional oil and gas.

resemble 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. appear like
    be similar or bear a likeness to

    e.g. She resembles her mother very much
           This paper resembles my own work
