






rescues 基本解释
营救,救援( rescue的名词复数 );营救[救援]行动;营救,救援,使免遭损失( rescue的第三人称单数 );
rescues 网络解释

1. 救援:Necromancer/亡灵法师 | Rescues/救援 | Health/生命值

rescues 单语例句

1. It conducted successful rescues and offered regular consular services to ensure the safety of its citizens abroad.

2. The reason they don't get taxpayer rescues is they can't credibly threaten to take down the world's financial system.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Besides field exercises and simulated hostage rescues, the session this year also included training in the use of advanced technology.

4. Hamilton said there had been no live rescues since last week and the grim reality was that no more people would be found alive.

5. The real dog lovers are people who go to dog rescues and ask if they have a potential friend in need of care and protection.

6. Joint police action breaks up gangs, rescues Chinese women in Africa.

7. The rescues brought momentary relief to the remote mountain town that collapsed on itself.

8. Seven television stations and networks from around the country were cited for their reporting on animal rescues in New Orleans after the flood.

9. rescues

9. The police vessels have also become involved in several sea rescues over the years, pulling more than 800 men from the turbulent waters.

10. Hu thought private rescue teams are very strong and can assist the local government in water rescues or body retrieval.
