
rerun [ˈri:rʌn]  ['ri:rʌn] 





rerun 基本解释



rerun 网络解释

1. 重新运行:视图功能表的重新运行(Rerun)命令现在使用户可以指定一个时间段和一个时间比例因数. 书写重新运行(Rerun)命令已扩展与之匹配. 采样设置对话方块 (Sampling Configuration) 尺寸加大,并新增了一个按钮用於设置文件的最大通道数.

2. 重新运行;重算;再上演:rerun routine 重算程序 | rerun 重新运行;重算;再上演 | rerunning 再运转

3. 重算:rereading 重读 | rerun 重算 | rerunpoint 重算点

4. 再运行:reroute 变更旅程 | rerun 再运行 | res 物品

rerun 单语例句

1. The original experiment that lead to Lorenz's groundbreaking theory was conducted in 1961, when he was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction.

2. ReelzChannel has the contractual freedom to rerun the series and is planning to air " The Kennedys " again in November.

3. At least six people died in the storm, which was a cruel rerun for many still trying to recover from earlier hurricanes.

4. Sources said the pact is for 15 years, with ABC set to rerun the special around the holidays every year.

5. Yushchenko accused government foes of trying to trim presidential powers because they feared he would win the rerun.

6. For most of the game, it seemed like a Game 1 rerun.

7. rerun是什么意思

7. Wong even declared on Wednesday that the group will stage a rerun of last year's collective resignation if the membership sees fit.

8. rerun的翻译

8. Many in the capital's streets said they were tired of political fighting and wanted no rerun of the revolution.


9. But he stressed that the impact of the dioxin could hamper Yushchenko's performance should he be elected in the rerun.

10. The first show aired March 23 and will rerun on participating stations for two weeks.

rerun 英英释义


1. a program that is broadcast again

    e.g. she likes to watch `I love Lucy' reruns


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. cause to perform again

    e.g. We have to rerun the subjects--they misunderstood the instructions

2. broadcast again, as of a film

    Synonym: rebroadcast

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. run again for office

    e.g. Bush wants to rerun in 1996

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. rerun a performance of a play, for example
