
requiem [ˈrekwiəm]  [ˈrɛkwiəm, ˈrikwi-] 


requiem 基本解释



requiem 网络解释


1. 安灵曲:<<安灵曲>>(Requiem)预定将在2004年4月左右在韩国开始内部测试,同年10月份开始公开测试.

2. 安魂弥撒:安魂弥撒(Requiem)是天主教会为悼念逝者举行的弥撒,拉丁文也称为Missa pro Defunctis. 这弥撒除了用作葬礼仪式,也是每年11月2日的万灵节礼仪的一部分. 天主教徒相信为在炼狱中的逝者举行弥撒,可缩短他们在炼狱的日子,令他们更早进入天国.

3. (追思弥撒):可惜C.罗的50米长途奔袭毁了他的表演.很多作曲家都写过弥撒曲.包括巴赫,亨德尔,海顿,贝多芬等等.其中最著名的就是莫扎特的追思弥撒(Requiem)以及贝多芬的庄严弥撒(Missa Solemnis).贝多芬的庄严弥撒和他的第九部交响曲差不多是同时期并排进行创作的,

requiem 词典解释

1. 安魂弥撒;追思弥撒
    A requiem or a requiem mass is a Catholic church service in memory of someone who has recently died.

2. 安魂曲;追思曲
    A requiem is a piece of music for singers and musicians that can be performed either as part of a requiem mass or as part of a concert.

    e.g. ...a performance of Verdi's Requiem.

requiem 单语例句

1. The great and the good of capitalism and free markets held a requiem dinner for the global financial system at a secret hideaway this week.

2. requiem的解释

2. The Parisian landmark of Notre Dame cathedral hosted a requiem mass Sunday and many other gatherings took place across the city.

3. This requiem is especially composed in memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake, featuring the Qiang Flute solo and an absence of applause throughout the performance.

4. The Take That star has joined a list of musical geniuses by writing a requiem.

5. requiem在线翻译

5. The talented musician perhaps had noticed the bitter irony that the first performance of his Requiem might be the occasion of his own death.

6. A representative of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper also attended the requiem service.

7. requiem的解释

7. About 300 family members, relatives and friends attended a requiem service prior to her burial.

8. At the end of the requiem service, relatives and friends escorted the coffin to the cemetery.

9. requiem

9. Other composers have used the term Requiem without using the traditional text, most famously Brahms'German Requiem and Britten's War Requiem.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. When Mozart's Requiem was echoing in the hall, it was a landmark for Yu as well as China's music history.

requiem 英英释义



1. a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person

    Synonym: dirge coronach lament threnody
