
repurchase [ri:'pɜ:tʃəs]  [ri:'pɜ:tʃəs] 





repurchase 基本解释



repurchase 网络解释

1. 购回:基金向成员国提供资金的作法不叫贷款(loan),而叫换购(purchase),即由成员国用本国货币向基金购买其所需的货币,并在以后再购回(repurchase)本国货币. 基金融通资金主要是通过备用安排(stand-byarrangements)来运作的.

2. 回购:事实上,它包含了回购(repurchase)和返售(resell,逆回购)两种交易方式. 国债回购交易指的是,国债交易商或投资者在卖出某种国债的同时,约定于未来某一时间以事先确定的价格再将等量的该种债券买回的交易;其实质是证券的卖出者借入资金.

3. 買回:欧洲央行表示,分派1500亿欧元于在 7天期的附买回(repurchase)协定中,比它预估银行业者每周例行业 务所需资金还要多 350亿欧元. 然而,央行额外提供这些资金,似乎并没有减缓银 行界的疑虑,银行还是担心放款给其他业者. 周二,

4. 购回;购回股份:reprimand 谴责 | repurchase 购回;购回股份 | request for proposal 征求建议书

repurchase 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. China's securities watchdog said share repurchase would no longer need approval on Sept 21, making it easier for listed companies to buy back their stocks.

2. GM received a call option at the time to repurchase the 1 percent stake.

3. The Chinese central bank continued to make reverse repurchase operations on Tuesday, according to a statement published today on the website of the People's Bank of China.

4. Bill issue and repurchase agreement operations are two major quantitative tools for the central bank to adjust the banking industry's liquidity through open market operations.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Bill issue and repurchase agreement operation are two major tools for the central bank to adjust the banking industry's liquidity through open market operations.

6. A total of 198 billion yuan in central bank bills and repurchase agreements are due to mature this week.

7. Buyback means a firm's repurchase of stock or bonds it has issued.

8. It singled out ways of increasing the repurchase of central bank notes and lowering the bank's reserve requirement ratio to increase liquidity.

9. It said an obligatory share repurchase system should be set up in the meantime to stabilize the market.

10. repurchase的翻译

10. A repurchase operation is a central bank operation to withdraw funds in the open market to prevent rampant liquidity.

repurchase 英英释义


1. the act of purchasing back something previously sold

    Synonym: redemption buyback


1. buy what had previously been sold, lost, or given away

    e.g. He bought back the house that his father sold years ago

    Synonym: buy back
