
repulsive [rɪˈpʌlsɪv]  [rɪˈpʌlsɪv] 

repulsive 基本解释


形容词丑恶; 令人厌恶的,可憎的

repulsive 相关例句


1. His behavior was repulsive.

repulsive 网络解释


1. 排斥:神经生长锥表面存在各种导向因子的受体,它们特异地识别环境中各种因子,并向细胞内传递吸引(attractive)或是排斥(repulsive)的信号,从而通过调节生长锥内的细胞骨架的重组来引导神经纤维沿特定路线生长(我国科学家袁小兵等探究人员发现,

repulsive 词典解释

1. 令人憎恶的;让人厌恶的;使人反感的
    If you describe something or someone as repulsive, you mean that they are horrible and disgusting and you want to avoid them.

    e.g. ...repulsive fat white slugs.
    e.g. ...the most repulsive mass murderer America has known.

...a repulsively large rat.

2. 相斥的;排斥的;斥力的
    A repulsive force is a force which pushes away what is around it.

    e.g. The repulsive force within the nucleus is enormous.

repulsive 单语例句

1. I just find the idea of loving a dog because of its appearance inherently repulsive.

2. Some opposition figures'reaction to the maritime disaster off Lamma Island was simply repulsive.

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3. Even from a conventional aesthetic point of view, the solar heating device is not at all repulsive.

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4. African nations found particularly repulsive the overbearing attitude and arrogance some European governments maintained as they told Africa what to do.

5. The structures they have allowed around Dianchi Lake in Kunming are nothing but repulsive.

6. Several AIDS clinicians interviewed for this article said the idea of forcing treatment onto a patient was repulsive to them.

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7. One of astronomers'first tasks in this investigation is to determine whether dark energy's repulsive strength changes over time or not.

8. They say there is not much tempting in a dish made to closely resemble something they find repulsive.


9. If dark energy's repulsive force decreases in strength with time, the universe might eventually reverse course and collapse.

10. Much - so very much - has been written about the fashion world's repulsive obsession with thinness.

repulsive 英英释义



1. so extremely ugly as to be terrifying

    e.g. a hideous scar
           a repulsive mask

    Synonym: hideous

2. repulsive的解释

2. offensive to the mind

    e.g. an abhorrent deed
           the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee
           morally repugnant customs
           repulsive behavior
           the most repulsive character in recent novels

    Synonym: abhorrent detestable obscene repugnant
