1. 爬行动物:即哺乳动物(mammals)、爬行动物(reptiles)、昆虫(insects)、鸟类(birds)及鱼类(fish). 在<<剑桥中学英语教程>>第五主题中有关于洞穴人(cavepeople)生活状况的描述,通过对远古生活与当代生活的强烈对比使学生更容易理解和明白社会的飞速进步以及今天生活的得来不易.
2. 爬虫类:同时,两栖动物进化出现了爬虫类(Reptiles),它们身上长着坚硬的厚厚的鳞甲,作为保护,又可保持体温,它们生下有壳的蛋. 于是,可耐干燥的裸子植物与不耐干燥的爬虫类动物,渐渐进化到可以完全脱离水中生活,并可在路上繁殖. 此时,
3. 爬行类:脊椎动物又分为鱼类(fishes)、两栖类(amphibians)、爬行类(reptiles)、鸟类(birds)和哺乳类(mammals无脊椎动物又分为原生动物、腔肠动物、扁形动物、线形动物、环节动物、软体动物、节肢动物和棘皮动物等.
4. 爬行类动物:1997年8月18日的<<美国新闻与世界报道>>提供了若干已经确定的物种的数字倒是很有意思的:世界上有4,000种哺乳类动物(mammals),4,200种两栖类动物 (amphibians), 6,100种棘皮类动物 (echinoderms), 6,300种爬行类动物(reptiles), 9,000种鸟类 (birds),
1. Ada Barak believes that physical contact with the reptiles can be a relaxing experience.
2. Saltwater crocodiles are the world's largest type of crocodile, with some of the reptiles growing to be longer than 20 feet.
3. Despite Castillo's attempts to convince customs agents to release the crocodiles to him, authorities kept the three reptiles.
4. reptiles
4. Crain says police went to the room after dorm's resident director received an anonymous phone call reporting marijuana and reptiles inside.
5. Some reptiles do not determine sexes genetically, but rely on different incubation temperatures to determine the development of males and females.
6. Florida Senator Bill Nelson introduced a bill in the US Congress in February to ban the importation and interstate trade of the reptiles.
7. The meadows and fields are populated with a plentiful supply of insects, rodents and reptiles on which the birds feed.
8. He works on a panel led by Li Chun, a paleontologist who focuses on Triassic marine reptiles.
9. As an increasing number of people tend to take reptiles as pets, a reptile hospital has opened in Shanghai.
10. The parasites live in the respiratory tract of snakes and other reptiles.