
reprocessing ['ri:'prəʊsesɪŋ]  ['ri:'proʊsesɪŋ] 






reprocessing 基本解释


动词再生,再加工( reprocess的现在分词 )

reprocessing 网络解释


1. 再处理:用EMDR的方法对这些未经过充分处理过的早期经验进行再处理(reprocessing)可以让当事人获得领悟,转变歪曲的认知评价,把平衡稳定的情绪和躯体反应整合在一起,同时当事人也就可以采取更加适应的行为了.

2. 返工:3.不符合在药物申请,包括药物主文件(DMFs)中的承诺. DMF文件应该准确反应现行工艺的所有信息,比如生产工艺、杂质档案,和生产相关的程序和指标. 10.不能表明原料药返工(reprocessing)后,产品符合所有既定的标准项目(即返工后没有进行全检).

3. 后处理:representationoftherotationgroup 转动群的表示 | reprocessing 后处理 | reprocessingofspentfuel 烧过的核燃料后处理

4. 再加工:repressing 重压 | reprocessing 再加工 | reproducibility 再现性

reprocessing 单语例句

1. reprocessing的解释

1. The Yongbyon complex is at the heart of the North's nuclear arms program and includes a plutonium reprocessing plant.

2. reprocessing是什么意思

2. The plan calls for a reprocessing system for the radioactive water by June 15, with hopes of reusing the water as coolant in the reactors.

3. Iran suspended uranium enrichment last year but had repeatedly refused to stop other related activities such as reprocessing uranium or building centrifuges.

4. reprocessing的反义词

4. IAEA inspectors also are working to verify the status of two unfinished reactors, a spent fuel reprocessing facility and a fuel fabrication plant.

5. The DPRK will forego reprocessing, and instead will safely store and eventually ship the spent fuel out the country.

6. The meeting comes as part of the talks over revising the 1974 nuclear pact that prohibits South Korea from reprocessing spent nuclear fuel.

7. The DPRK will restart the reprocessing of the spent fuel rods, he added.

8. reprocessing什么意思

8. If the IAEA verifies that Iran has suspended enrichment and reprocessing, the resolution says the sanctions will be suspended to allow for negotiations.

9. And other developing countries would have a bigger opportunity to export commodities and manufactured goods requiring reprocessing to China.

10. reprocessing

10. The reactivation techniques " might prove useful in reprocessing and unlearning unwanted memories ", she says.
