
reprieve [rɪˈpri:v]  [rɪˈpriv] 







reprieve 基本解释


及物动词[法]缓期执行; 给…带来缓解

名词暂缓; [法]死缓,缓刑

reprieve 网络解释


1. 缓期执行:美国学者认为,所谓死刑的赦免(clemency)包括三个方面的内容:缓期执行(reprieve)、减刑(commutation)、完全赦免(pardon),或者是三者的结合. 在美国,死刑赦免是刑事司法制度之外的行政制度,死刑赦免权由行政长官掌握,

2. 暂缓:frivolous 无关紧要的 | reprieve 暂缓 | repellent 令人厌恶的

3. 减轻:retrieve 挽回 | reprieve 减轻 | appellant 上诉人

reprieve 词典解释

1. reprieve的解释

1. 对…缓期执行,撤销…的刑罚
    If someone who has been sentenced in a court is reprieved, their punishment is officially delayed or cancelled.

    e.g. Fourteen people, waiting to be hanged for the murder of a former prime minister, have been reprieved.

2. (不好或艰难情况的)暂缓,延缓
    A reprieve is a delay before a very unpleasant or difficult situation which may or may not take place.

    e.g. It looked as though the college would have to shut, but this week it was given a reprieve.

reprieve 单语例句

1. The Anne Frank museum still wants a diseased chestnut tree cut down for safety reasons, despite a court reprieve over its felling.

2. Collins said he contacted the governor at about 4 pm to let him know about the difficulties and request a reprieve.

3. Liverpool only rode their luck to advance as Marseille dominated possession for long periods but were made to pay for a a temporary reprieve.


4. The number of criminal executions will be reduced in China, with the sentence of death penalty with reprieve handed out more often in courts.

5. reprieve的反义词

5. The latter received a death sentence with two years reprieve in August for taking two million yuan in bribes.

6. The " death with reprieve " sentence in China is mitigated to life imprisonment in most cases.

7. The sentence of " death penalty with reprieve " would be used more often in courts, Zhang said.

8. But often this is changed to life imprisonment if the defendant does not commit any new crimes during the reprieve period.

9. Beijing has been given a reprieve from sandstorms after the worst dusty weather of the year hit the city during the May Day holiday weekend.

10. reprieve的解释

10. The package of incentives suggests that Iran get a temporary reprieve from economic and financial sanctions in exchange for freezing its enrichment activities.

reprieve 英英释义


1. the act of reprieving
    postponing or remitting punishment

    Synonym: respite

2. a warrant granting postponement (usually to postpone the execution of the death sentence)

3. an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

    Synonym: suspension respite hiatus abatement

4. a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort

    Synonym: respite


1. relieve temporarily

2. postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution

    Synonym: respite
