
reposition [ˌri:pə'zɪʃən]  [ˌripəˈzɪʃən, ˌrɛpə-] 







reposition 基本解释

名词重新配置,复位; 贮藏,放回

及物动词使复位; 改变…的位置; 使变换阵地

reposition 网络解释

1. 重定位:对于手动编程的单个加工(没有排样、套料的) 零件,手动铺模同时,可以人工的优化、重定位和次序化等模具路径处理,其他像自动、半自动编程和排料、套料后的冲裁加工,都要进行模具冲裁轨迹优化处理. 包括优化(Optimization)、次序化(Order utility)或重定位(Reposition)等.

2. (重置):下面的函数分别是移动(move)、重置(reposition)、缩放(scale)及绕它的X-,Y-,Z-轴进行旋转:这个代码使得为RTS(译者注:Realtime Strategy Game,即时战略类游戏,对应回合制战略游戏)风格的游戏使用标准相机移动接口变的容易.

3. 复位术:report 报告,汇报,通报 | reposition 复位术 | repositor 复位器

reposition 词典解释

1. 重新放置;调换位置;重置
    To reposition an object means to move it to another place or to change its position.

    e.g. It is not possible to reposition the carpet without damaging it.

2. 重新定位(产品或服务)
    To reposition something such as a product or service means to try to interest more or different people in it, for example by changing certain things about it or the way it is marketed.

    e.g. The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information...
    e.g. Mazda needs to reposition itself if it is to boost its sales and reputation.

reposition 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Meanwhile, lawmakers urged the government to reposition the city's business structure.


2. The most critical part is how to reposition, reinvent and repackage themselves.

3. The allies in June agreed to consolidate or reposition other US bases in South Korea, which could possibly result in a US troop reduction.

4. The camera operators had to observe the scenes and reposition their cameras several times to keep from being splashed with oil.

5. It will help change the perception of China as a big polluter, and help reposition the country's image in people's minds.

6. This new relief comes on the heels of a 1 billion yuan fund set up in August to help processing companies reposition themselves.

7. These are strong positive perceptions to build on and indicate ways in which China can try to reposition itself.

8. reposition的解释

8. The company expects the restructuring will help reposition it to resume sustainable growth.

9. China will reposition itself from an exporter to a domestic supplier of renewable energy equipment.

10. He started Sepia in 2003 to help owners " reposition " existing properties.

reposition 英英释义


1. depositing in a warehouse

    e.g. they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn
           my car is in storage
           publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of warehousing

    Synonym: repositing storage warehousing


1. place into another position

2. change place or direction

    e.g. Shift one's position

    Synonym: shift dislodge
