
repercussion [ˌri:pəˈkʌʃn]  [ˌri:pərˈkʌʃn] 


repercussion 基本解释

名词弹回,返回; 反响,影响; (光、声等的)反射; 浮动诊胎法

repercussion 网络解释


1. 反响,影响,回声:remuneration: n.酬报,赔偿,酬金 | repercussion:反响,影响,回声 | replenish: v.把......再备足,补充

2. 冲互诊:repair 修补 | repercussion 冲互诊 | repetition compulsion 重复强迫

3. 击回;回声:repelling programs 互斥方案 | repercussion 击回;回声 | reperforate 补孔

4. 弹回:repeople 重新住入 | repercussion 弹回 | repercussive 反响的

repercussion 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (不良)反响,反应,影响
    If an action or event has repercussions, it causes unpleasant things to happen some time after the original action or event.

    e.g. It was an effort which was to have painful repercussions...
    e.g. Members of congress were warned of possible repercussions if their vote went through.

repercussion 单语例句

1. " I'm surprised by the repercussion of one word that I said, " he said in a television interview.

2. The cases have aroused the provincial government's attention and drawn strong public repercussion.

repercussion 英英释义



1. a movement back from an impact

    Synonym: recoil rebound backlash

2. a remote or indirect consequence of some action

    e.g. his declaration had unforeseen repercussions
           reverberations of the market crash were felt years later

    Synonym: reverberation
