
removing [ri:'mu:vɪŋ]  [ri:'mu:vɪŋ] 






removing 基本解释
消除,排除,除去;去除;开除( remove的现在分词 );脱去;移走;
removing 网络解释

1. 移除:但是要注意, 移除(removing)一行与将一行作为Deleted删除不同. 移除一行意味着物理地将行从数据集中去掉. 这种差别在后面讨论保持表或数据存储中数值时很重要. 由于数据集(DataSet)可以包含多个DataTable对象,因此必须有方法来将表彼此关联起来.

2. 删除:它在内部调用其前面一个委派...// fbChain 引用零个委派的链(fbChain is null)//用 C# 对委派对象进行 组合(Combining)和 删除(Removing)操作编译器在内部翻译所有在委派对象上使用的 = 操作符,

removing 单语例句

1. Robotic submarines finished removing a busted piece of pipe that was bolted around the leak around 3 am Sunday.

2. They have been kept busy trying to salvage thousands of trees straining under the weight of the snow and removing broken branches.

3. Butler highlighted a " serious failing " in removing warnings and caveats about intelligence that he said was anyway thin.

4. Many experts suggested to taking out the canoe, removing water from it and then putting it back.

5. Downer said that because of Australia's active military role in removing Saddam from power, a boycott of the country's wheat would annoy many Australians.

6. These efforts include closing major polluters, removing obsolete taxis from the roads and retrofitting gasoline stations to capture harmful chemicals.

7. removing什么意思

7. It can be tough removing yourself from the shadow cast by your hugely successful father, especially when that man is the martial arts hero Jackie Chan.

8. Some even argue that early cave paintings prove that cavemen were removing hairs from their face for similar reasons.

9. While the judges ordered child care workers to take responsibility for Laura, they stopped short of removing from her father's home.

10. Most lotions can cause the cilia - the small hairs in a nostril - to stick together and prevent them from removing unwanted substances.
