
remit [ˈri:mɪt]  [rɪˈmɪt] 








remit 基本解释

及物动词汇款; 免除; 宽恕; 缓和,恢复

不及物动词汇款; 缓和,减轻


remit 相关例句



1. The taxes have been remitted.

2. You will have to remit this problem to a higher authority.

3. The prisoner's sentence cannot be remitted.


1. Please remit promptly by money order.

2. The fever has remitted.

remit 网络解释

1. 缓和,减轻; 汇寄:reminiscence 令人回忆的事物,回忆 | remit 缓和,减轻; 汇寄 | remnant 遗迹,残馀

2. 退热:寒颤 shiver ; shake ; shaking chills ; shivering with chills | 退热 fall ; drop ; go down ; abate ; remit | 发汗 sweating ; perspiration

3. 宽恕;免除:incubate 孵卵 | remiss 玩忽职守的 | remit 宽恕;免除

remit 词典解释
The noun is pronounced /'riːmɪt/. The verb is pronounced /rɪ'mɪt/. 名词读作/'riːmɪt/。动词读作/rɪ'mɪt/。

1. remit的近义词

1. 职责;职权范围
    Someone's remit is the area of activity which they are expected to deal with, or which they have authority to deal with.

    e.g. That issue is not within the remit of the working group...
    e.g. The centre has a remit to advise Asian businesses and entrepreneurs.

2. 汇(款);寄(钱)
    If you remit money to someone, you send it to them.

    e.g. Many immigrants regularly remit money to their families.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 将(案件)发回原审判法庭(重审)
    In an appeal court, if a case is remitted to the court where it was originally dealt with, it is sent back to be dealt with there.

    e.g. The matter was remitted to the justices for a rehearing.

remit 单语例句

1. Customers can use the terminal for payments on their credit cards, transfer money among accounts and remit money using mobile phones.

2. The project plans to collect all Chinese movies fitting its remit within a year and to build the largest Internet museum of Chinese red cinema.

3. remit

3. The trip had been due to start in February this year but was postponed to allow the expedition's scientific remit to be expanded.

4. remit的近义词

4. Its function is to regulate the frequency and quality of exhibitions falling within its remit.

5. remit

5. It will remit the patient the registration fee and half of their medical costs, and the committee will cover the rest of the costs.

6. " Part of our remit is questioning authority, " he said.

7. remit的意思

7. Even the majority working on construction sites may remit part of their income back to their home villages.

8. Also under the programme, employers or withholding agents are able to remit tax payments before the programme end date.

9. In other cases, suspects also told parents to remit money for the sake of their children.

10. They remit 30 billion yuan annually, an amount higher than the entire provincial revenue.

remit 英英释义



1. remit

1. (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)

    Synonym: remission remitment

2. the topic that a person, committee, or piece of research is expected to deal with or has authority to deal with

    e.g. they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life


1. diminish or abate

    e.g. The pain finally remitted


2. make slack as by lessening tension or firmness

    Synonym: slacken

3. forgive

    e.g. God will remit their sins

4. refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision

    Synonym: remand send back

5. remit的近义词

5. release from (claims, debts, or taxes)

    e.g. The taxes were remitted

6. send (money) in payment

    e.g. remit $25

7. hold back to a later time

    e.g. let's postpone the exam

    Synonym: postpone prorogue hold over put over table shelve set back defer put off
