
remission [rɪˈmɪʃn]  [rɪˈmɪʃən] 


remission 基本解释


名词缓和,减轻; 宽恕,豁免; 〈罕〉寄钱,汇款

remission 网络解释


1. 狭义的反致:而依该国冲突规范之规定,又应适用内国法或它国法时,则以内国法或者他国法作为准据法. 广义的反致(Renvoi)包括狭义的反致(Remission)、转致(Transmission)、间接反致(Indirect Remission)和外国法院说(Foreign Court Theory).

2. 赦免,宽恕,免除:remiss 疏忽,不小心的 | remission 赦免,宽恕,免除 | remit 汇寄,赦免,减轻,松懈

remission 词典解释

1. (疾病的)减轻,缓和
    If someone who has had a serious disease such as cancer is in remission or if the disease is in remission, the disease has been controlled so that they are not as ill as they were.

    e.g. Brain scans have confirmed that the disease is in remission...
    e.g. After six years of remission, cancer reappeared.

2. 减刑
    If someone in prison gets remission, their prison sentence is reduced, usually because they have behaved well.

    e.g. With remission for good behaviour, she could be freed in a year.

remission 单语例句

1. Behrend underwent additional chemo after the birth and her cancer is in remission.

2. Nearly 40 per cent of them said the government should relax the requirement for child care centre fee remission scheme.

3. remission在线翻译

3. Robin Gibb is reportedly battling pneumonia less than a month after achieving remission from colon and liver cancer.

4. Indonesia traditionally has a prisoner remission programme on August 17, the day it celebrates independence from Dutch colonial rule.

5. Others had a disorder in remission that resurfaced because of new stress in life, such as a divorce or loss of a parent.

6. Hall's publicists revealed this past week that Hall is being treated for Hodgkin's lymphoma and that the cancer is in remission.

7. A married British man who murdered five young women in 2006 was sentenced on Friday to life in jail without the chance of remission.

8. And now his cancer is in remission and has been since last fall.

9. The court ruled however that by denying Tang the benefit of the remission, the SWD effectively denied relief to those who needed it most.

10. Duty remission - exemption on duties and VAT on raw materials used to manufacture exports.

remission 英英释义


1. the act of absolving or remitting
    formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance

    Synonym: absolution remittal remission of sin

2. remission在线翻译

2. (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)

    Synonym: remitment remit

3. remission

3. an abatement in intensity or degree (as in the manifestations of a disease)

    e.g. his cancer is in remission

    Synonym: remittal subsidence

4. remission是什么意思

4. a payment of money sent to a person in another place

    Synonym: remittance remittal remitment
