
remedial [rɪˈmi:diəl]  [rɪˈmidiəl] 

remedial 基本解释

形容词治疗的,医治的; 补救的,挽回的; 补习的; 纠正的

remedial 网络解释

1. 补习的:below average 低于平均水平的,差的, | advanced 先进的,高级的 | remedial 补习的

2. 治疗的:remediably 可治疗地 | remedial 治疗的 | remedially 治疗地

3. 补习:feedback 回馈 | remedial 补习 | portable classroom 活动教室

4. 补救的:remedial operation 维修作业 | remedial 补救的 | remedy a failure 补救损伤

remedial 词典解释

1. 补习的;辅导的
    Remedial education is intended to improve a person's ability to read, write, or do mathematics, especially when they find these things difficult.

    e.g. ...children who required special remedial education...
    e.g. His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing.

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2. 治疗的;帮助康复的
    Remedial activities are intended to improve a person's health when they are ill.

    e.g. He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises.

3. 补救的;纠正的
    Remedial action is intended to correct something that has been done wrong or that has not been successful.

    e.g. Some authorities are now having to take remedial action.

remedial 单语例句


1. While forbidding research on human cloning for reproduction purposes, it allows cloning on embryonic stem cells and remedial cloning.

2. An administrative law judge will schedule a hearing and determine the appropriate remedial sanction against the firms.

3. " Earnest and timely corrective and remedial measures have been taken to solve the problems, " he said.


4. Other yachtsmen offered lots of advices of remedial measures to help the boat to pull through.

5. Producers and sellers must take remedial steps such as issuing warnings or recalling products immediately after realizing they are are defective.

6. He suggested that the best way to correct the problem was not to ban music, but to direct bars to take remedial action themselves.

7. After that, the manufacturer took immediate remedial action to address the situation.

8. The BOC has placed great importance on the case and carried out a series of remedial measures to stamp out irregularities and improve internal management.

9. We have also commenced a number of civil cases to secure remedial outcomes from perpetrators of fraud and misconduct.

10. Developing countries have less fiscal and monetary space for remedial measures than they did in 2008 and 2009.

remedial 英英释义


1. remedial在线翻译

1. tending or intended to rectify or improve

    e.g. a remedial reading course
           remedial education

2. tending to cure or restore to health

    e.g. curative powers of herbal remedies
           her gentle healing hand
           remedial surgery
           a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air
           a therapeutic agent
           therapeutic diets

    Synonym: curative healing(p) alterative sanative therapeutic
