remand home

remand home [rɪˈmænd həum]  [rɪˈmænd hom] 

remand home 基本解释


remand home 网络解释

remand home的近义词

1. 少年犯拘留所:international river basin 国际河流盆地 国际流域 | remand home 少年犯拘留所 | shade species 阴性树种

2. 少年拘留所:少年犯教育中心/attendance centre | 少年拘留所/remand home | 奢侈的菜肴/high fare

3. 羁留所:remand 羁留 | remand home 羁留所 | remand home service 羁留服务

remand home 双语例句

remand home的解释

1. Can detention in a remand home be regarded as educational?

2. Those teenagers will be remanded to the remand home.

3. Ascertain the home's pattern of small town with new remand and climate.

4. The judge has the power to remand young offenders to the special home until their case be heard.

5. The officers and psychological consultants in remand home should pay more attention to their inside world and lead them to form positive values.
