
remaining [rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ]  [ rɪˈmenɪŋ] 





remaining 基本解释


动词保持; 剩余,剩下(remain的现在分词); 停留,逗留

remaining 网络解释

1. 剩余的:remainder 余数 | remaining 剩余的 | remark 评语

2. 余度:终端头 terminals | 余度 remaining | 标记牌 notice plate

remaining 词典解释

1. 余下的;剩余的
    The remaining things or people out of a group are the things or people that still exist, are still present, or have not yet been dealt with.

    e.g. The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences...
    e.g. The United States has withdrawn the remaining staff from its embassy...

2. see also: remain

remaining 单语例句

1. The remaining 40 per cent slightly better off families will have to buy their own.

2. The remaining live birds will be sent back to Peru by plane, in good conditions.

3. The remaining 14 seats were shared by small political parties and independent candidates.

4. The Italian Soccer Federation has suspended Sunday's Serie B and C games as a mark of respect and to defuse any remaining tension.

5. China calculated the potential value of mineral reserves based on the remaining reserves by the end of 2000.

6. The remaining seven ties have been postponed until next month at the request of clubs exercising the option due to international call ups.

7. Schools across the country practiced quickly and calmly entering prepared bomb shelters, and remaining inside for 15 minutes.

8. The jeep coped well with these tough conditions and with little more than an hour's light remaining we reached our camping site.

9. " I can afford a car and I will pay for the remaining cost myself, " Wang said.

10. Beijing remained a landlord's market in the first quarter, with demand remaining active.

remaining 英英释义



1. not used up

    e.g. leftover meatloaf
           she had a little money left over so she went to a movie
           some odd dollars left
           saved the remaining sandwiches for supper
           unexpended provisions

    Synonym: leftover left over(p) left(p) odd unexpended
