
relet ['ri:'let]  [ri:'let] 




relet 基本解释



relet 网络解释


1. 转租:relentlessly 无情地 | relet 转租 | relevance 中肯

2. 续租:relentingly 觉得可怜地 | relet 续租 | reletsubleaseunderleaseunderlet 转租

relet 双语例句

1. A lot of medium and small businesses are obtained prop up policy, not only give a technology to come without hatch, became relet instead cheap the sublessor of office building.


2. Number of worker of the member that the company was deferred recently breaks up time plan, will redundant office space relet go out.

3. I mainly design two major modules in this system, the computer lease management modules function is to lease、relet computer and print contract.


4. I mainly design two major modules in this system, the computer lease management module's function is to lease、relet computer and print contract.

5. I mainly design two major modules in this system, the computer lease management module's function is to lease、relet computer and print contract. Meanwhile, the procedure of return and return checkup is implemented by computer return management module.


6. I mainly design two major modules in this system, the computer lease management modules function is to lease、relet computer and print contract. Meanwhile, the procedure of return and return checkup is implemented by computer return management module.

7. If landlord be in the secret, agree with your relet, so you had better sign a written agreement with landlord, also produce issue later in case so, the responsibility of landlord pushs you completely!

8. Is tenant OK relet building?

9. The military observers pointed out that Ukraine so asks an outrageous price is must be cut off Russia to relet Sevastopol's thought thoroughly.
