
rejoinder [rɪˈdʒɔɪndə(r)]  [rɪˈdʒɔɪndɚ] 



rejoinder 基本解释


rejoinder 网络解释


1. 被告向原告第二次答辩:被告人最后陈述 final statement of the accused | 被告向原告第二次答辩 rejoinder | 被害人 victim

2. 反驳:rejoin 再加入 | rejoinder 反驳 | rejudge 重新判断

3. 第二次答辩状:Regional Symposium on Privatization;私有化问题区域座谈会;; | Rejoinder;第二次答辩状;; | rejoinder by the respondent;被告之再答辩状;;

4. 被告提:3. 原告提 reply | 4. 被告提 rejoinder | 5. 原告提 surrejoinder

rejoinder 双语例句


1. There was the smallest vein of scorn in her words of rejoinder: have you saved yourself?

2. Another rejoinder is that business is an exercise in creativity.


3. For it is through speech that wisdom becomes known, and knowledge through the tongue's rejoinder.

4. Oneself require with according to the market, join together the graduate design actual circumstance, establishment design the whole plan, from the index that proceeding investigation and cultural heritage data with read, establish work plan, put forward the lesson a total design project, compose to open report, proceed system analysis, complete graduate design detailed design project, complete the detailed design, enter the coding adjusts to try the stage and organizes the middle reports, and provide middle report written form material, complete the coding adjusts to try, proceed system test and perfect, face the graduate design reply the committee puts forward rejoinder application, compose graduate design thesis and till the last of graduate design reply.


5. If it is said, as a rejoinder, that the activity of the Atman is variable, but that its substance t'i.

6. The small scooters are made in China and Mr Henmi has a standard rejoinder for customers who express worries about their reliability.


7. The protectionists and interventionists have not been able to advance a single word in pertinent and objective rejoinder.

8. In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty.

9. (criminal law) an answer of ` no contest'by a defendant who does not admit guilt but that subjects him to conviction. In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty.

10. Rejoinder to the defence

11. The lower half apparently does not matter, but the top half is sacrosanct. " A little bit won't hurt, " was Chueh-hui's laughing rejoinder. But the old lady was already out of earshot.

12. His answer was just a rehashed version of my lecture. On the Problems of Falsificationism Again: A Rejoinder to Yin and Pang's Critique

rejoinder 词典解释

1. rejoinder什么意思

1. (机智的)应答;(尖锐的)反驳
    A rejoinder is a reply, especially a quick, witty, or critical one, to a question or remark.

rejoinder 单语例句

1. Such was the rejoinder famously used by renowned Chinese writer Qian Zhongshu to decline a journalist's interview.

rejoinder 英英释义



1. (law) a pleading made by a defendant in response to the plaintiff's replication

2. a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one)

    e.g. it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher

    Synonym: retort return riposte replication comeback counter
