
reinstate [ˌri:ɪnˈsteɪt]  [ˌriɪnˈstet] 





reinstate 基本解释


及物动词使复原; 使恢复; 使恢复健康; 使复任

reinstate 网络解释

1. 复效:核心提示:> 复效(Reinstate) 属人身保险合同中的一般性条款. 当保单所有人在缴费过了宽限期后,并且没有使用自动垫交保险费贷款,保险单便会失效,复效条款允许保单所有人恢复一份失效保险单的效力,但此权利的时效往往截至未缴保费的3~5年. 我国...

2. 使恢复:reinforce 加强 | reinstate 使恢复 | reiterate 反复地说,反复地做

3. 修复;恢复原状:reinforcing agent 增强剂 | reinstate 修复;恢复原状 | reinstate and make good 修葺使之恢复原状

4. 恢复原状:rehousing eligibility 获安置资格 | reinstate 恢复原状 | reinstate and make good 修葺使之恢复原状

reinstate 词典解释

1. reinstate

1. 使复职;使复位
    If you reinstate someone, you give them back a job or position which had been taken away from them.

    e.g. The governor is said to have agreed to reinstate five senior workers who were dismissed...
    e.g. Thailand's prime minister announced his resignation today, but he is widely expected to be reinstated within a few days.

2. 恢复(法律、做法等);修复(设施等)
    To reinstate a law, facility, or practice means to start having it again.

    e.g. ...the decision to reinstate the grant...
    e.g. There have now been 139 executions since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976.

reinstate 单语例句

1. Known as a tissue plasminogen activator, the drug is injected intravenously to dissolve clots and reinstate blood flow.

2. The Iraqi government defended its decision to reinstate the death penalty despite a UN appeal for Baghdad to reconsider executing three convicted felons.

3. Obama has made up most of the ground he lost Saturday when the national party's rules committee agreed to reinstate delegates from Michigan and Florida.

4. Mikulski is among those pushing for NASA to reinstate one last servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope.

5. The National Tourism Administration also expressed the inability to reinstate the May Day golden Week this year.

6. The court recently decided their professors should give them a second chance, and ordered the university to reinstate them.

7. That was also a setback to the United States, which had tried to broker a deal to resolve the crisis and reinstate Zelaya.

8. reinstate的近义词

8. Some people even suggested that lawmakers should reinstate the law to ban marriage for university students.

9. The move has brought a powerful backlash from activists, who want to reinstate full protection for the mustangs.

10. One of Bush's first acts was to reinstate full abortion restrictions on US overseas aid.

reinstate 英英释义


1. bring back into original existence, use, function, or position

    e.g. restore law and order
           reestablish peace in the region
           restore the emperor to the throne

    Synonym: restore reestablish

2. restore to the previous state or rank
