
reinforcement [ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:smənt]  [ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:rsmənt] 


reinforcement 基本解释


名词加强; 增援; 补给品; 援军

reinforcement 相关例句


1. This roof needs some reinforcement.

2. More reinforcements were on the way.

3. Reinforcements were sent to the battle front.

reinforcement 网络解释

1. 加强:信息技术对政府的权力有转移(mobilization)和加强(reinforcement)两种功效,而事实上政府选择加强的可能性更大. 近年来,许多国家将计算机和互联网广泛运用于各种社会资料的采集和分析,中央政府能及时、全面地掌握地方政府的情况,

2. 增强:强化的含义: 强化/增强(reinforcement)原本来自通常所说的奖赏. 巴甫洛夫首先应用了强化概念. 他称一切使行为得到加强的事件为强化,一切由它引起的变化为条件作用(conditioning).在巴甫洛夫的实验中,强化物与刺激物相联系(同一),

reinforcement 词典解释

1. 援军;增援部队
    Reinforcements are soldiers or policemen who are sent to join an army or group of police in order to make it stronger.

    e.g. ...the despatch of police and troop reinforcements.


2. 增强;加强;加固
    The reinforcement of something is the process of making it stronger.

    e.g. I am sure that this meeting will contribute to the reinforcement of peace and security all over the world...
    e.g. What the teacher now has to do is remove the reinforcement for this bad behaviour...

reinforcement 单语例句

1. Officials said the latest maintenance check in 2006 resulted in repairs being made to minor surface damage and a reinforcement of the structure.

2. reinforcement是什么意思

2. Urgent reinforcement work in six parts suffering from serious subsidence have been carried out, and work on the final part at risk of collapse will commence shortly.

3. In that case, perhaps a career planner's office or confidence reinforcement program is the way to go.

4. The experts said the construction quality met the safety standards and no reinforcement work was needed.

5. reinforcement的反义词

5. The problem is that reinforcement needs to be fairly contemporaneous with an act to be effective.

6. Visible deceleration started late last year, led by the reinforcement of tightening policies in the second half.

7. reinforcement是什么意思

7. The institute found that no steel reinforcement cage was missing, which indicated that the construction of the metro line met design requirements.

8. reinforcement在线翻译

8. Hunan has already dispatched six inspection teams and Hubei in recent years has completed dike and dam reinforcement work.

9. These include the introduction of a computerized system that improved procedures and reduced delays, reinforcement of Customs tools and financial means and the implementation of policy performance indicators.

10. Security reinforcement and tanks were seen in the vicinity of the embassy on Saturday, as protests have faded out.

reinforcement 英英释义



1. a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission

    e.g. they called for artillery support

    Synonym: support reenforcement

2. an act performed to strengthen approved behavior

    Synonym: reward

3. a device designed to provide additional strength

    e.g. the cardboard backing was just a strengthener
           he used gummed reinforcements to hold the page in his notebook

    Synonym: strengthener

4. (psychology) a stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it

    Synonym: reinforcing stimulus reinforcer

5. information that makes more forcible or convincing

    e.g. his gestures provided eloquent reinforcement for his complaints

    Synonym: reenforcement
