
regulating ['regjʊleɪtɪŋ]  ['regjʊleɪtɪŋ] 






regulating 基本解释
调节;调整;控制( regulate的现在分词 );管理;
regulating 网络解释

1. 调节:元认知策略训练就是对自己认知过程的监视(monitoring)、调节(regulating)和控制(controlling). 元认知的主要功能是给主体提供有关认知活动进展的信息,以保证主体随时调节,采取更接近目标的解决办法与手段. 例如,

2. 规制:但是,不论由谁掌握政府,既然政府接受了为人们能享有和保障他们的各种财产之条件和目的的委托,则君主或议会,纵然拥有制定法律的权力来规制(regulating)臣民彼此之间的财产权,但未经他们的同意,决不能有权取走臣民财产的全部或一部.

3. 调整,调节:regularity 原律性,规则性 | regulating 调整,调节 | regulating apparatus 调节器,调节装置

4. 调整:regulating wheel 调节轮 | regulating 调整 | regulating 流量调节

regulating 单语例句

1. regulating的解释

1. The documents call for strengthening the investigation of the changing sea level, regulating coastal construction projects and building defensive facilities to mitigate the effects of marine disasters.

2. Hu also called for scientifically regulating the relationship between Party committees and people's congresses, and to support people's congresses to function according to law.

3. regulating

3. Forests help to balance the global production and storage of carbon dioxide, thereby playing a vital role in regulating climate change.

4. The banking industry needs standard rules regulating charged card service to ensure customers are getting their money's worth.

5. Carter is not overwhelmed by issues of discord between the two countries, from regulating the value of the renminbi to US arms sales to Taiwan.

6. Analysts say the downshift shows that local regions are cautious in regulating wage growth as the economic outlook for this year remains uncertain.


7. The old People's Bank of China Law said the central bank is responsible for monetary policy and regulating banks.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. Singapore's centralized MPF system administration has been quite successful in formulating rules and regulating fund manager operations to bring sizable gains to scheme members'investments.

9. The CFTC has a track record of regulating with a light touch and collaborating with foreign counterparts.

10. In addition, the process of developing legislation regulating rural land seizures should be expedited.

regulating 英英释义


1. regulating的近义词

1. the act of controlling or directing according to rule

    e.g. fiscal regulations are in the hands of politicians

    Synonym: regulation
