
regretful [rɪˈgretfl]  [rɪˈɡrɛtfəl] 

regretful 基本解释


形容词遗憾的; 后悔的; 失望的; 令人惋惜的

regretful 相关例句


1. I am regretful for hurting her feelings.

regretful 网络解释


1. 遗憾的 (指人):practicable 可行的, 通行的 | 43) regretful 遗憾的 (指人) | regrettable 遗憾的 (指事)

2. 懊悔的:respectable可敬的 | regretful懊悔的 | regrettable令人遗憾的

3. 表示后悔或遗憾:表示失望或灰心:disappointed, discouraged | 表示后悔或遗憾:regret, regretful, pity, shame | 表示漠然或热情:indifferent, detached, careless, enthusiastic

4. 后悔的:regrettable#可后悔的;可惜的 | regretful#后悔的 | comparable#可比的

regretful 词典解释

1. regretful

1. 遗憾的;后悔的;抱歉的
    If you are regretful, you show that you regret something.

    e.g. Mr Griffin gave a regretful smile...
    e.g. Surprisingly, she didn't feel nervous, or regretful about her actions.

He shook his head regretfully.
regretful 单语例句

1. She recalls how regretful and disheartened she was when she lost touch with elderly people who had donated letters.

2. It is regretful that a few officials have been demoted for their failure to report truthful statistics.

3. China Eastern yesterday said it was " deeply regretful " passengers were inconvenienced, and apologized to " the society in general ".

4. regretful是什么意思

4. What makes this expert regretful is that there are not more enterprises willing to persist in the attempt.

5. " It's regretful that I can't donate blood anymore, " he said.

6. They sincerely want to let their customers know what they are getting into, because a regretful customer is a vengeful one.

7. " I am deeply regretful for having beaten my wife and taken the deadly things home, " said Hu.

8. regretful什么意思

8. It is regretful that these issues surfaced in the past as a product of the abnormal relationship between the DPRK and Japan.

9. " I am sincerely regretful for my mistake in taking a prohibited stimulant, " Ruiz said in a statement issued by the Major League Baseball Players Association.

10. regretful是什么意思

10. What's regretful is that very few Chinese companies have resorted to lawsuits to defend their legitimate rights overseas.

regretful 英英释义



1. feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone

    e.g. felt regretful over his vanished youth
           regretful over mistakes she had made
           he felt bad about breaking the vase

    Synonym: sorry bad
