
regret [rɪˈgret]  [rɪˈɡrɛt] 








regret 基本解释

及物动词后悔,悔恨; 遗憾,抱歉; 悼念,哀悼


名词遗憾,惋惜; 后悔,悔恨; 哀悼

regret 同义词


动词be sorry for bewail rue bemoan


regret 反义词



regret 相关例句



1. I regret spending so much money on a car.

2. To this day I do not regret having made that remark.

3. I regret to tell you that my friend is ill.


1. He told me with regret that he could not come to the party.

2. Shelley had no regrets for his actions.

regret 情景对话



A:If I were in your position, I wouldn’t give up an inch.

B:I regret to say I can’t accept your suggestion.

regret 词典解释

1. 对…感到后悔;因…遗憾
    If you regret something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it.

    e.g. I simply gave in to him, and I've regretted it ever since...
    e.g. Ellis seemed to be regretting that he had asked the question...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 悔恨;失望;后悔;惋惜
    Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment, which is caused by something that has happened or something that you have done or not done.

    e.g. My great regret in life is that I didn't bring home the America's Cup...
    e.g. Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring.

3. 为…抱歉;很遗憾地说/通知你
    You can say that you regret something as a polite way of saying that you are sorry about it. You use expressions such as I regret to say or I regret to inform you to show that you are sorry about something.

    e.g. 'I very much regret the injuries he sustained,' he said...
    e.g. I regret that the United States has added its voice to such protests...

4. regret的解释

4. 抱歉;遗憾
    If someone expresses regret about something, they say that they are sorry about it.

    e.g. He expressed great regret and said that surgeons would attempt to reverse the operation...
    e.g. She has accepted his resignation with regret.

regret 单语例句

1. The ROK's Red Cross expressed regret over the North's action.

2. By carefully researching pecuniary options, you can protect yourself from making a money decision that you will later regret.

3. He said he planned to call officials at UN headquarters to express his regret and condolences from the people of Afghanistan.

4. Expressions of regret have ranged from candlelight vigils and religious services to online tributes.

5. Those carelessly dismissing these wings'spiciness will regret it two minutes later.

6. regret的意思

6. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Friday expressed her regret on Thursday's vote of the UNSC resolution on Syria.

7. Amin expressed regret about an ad hoc method to tackle bird flu cases in the country.

8. " I regret to say she only has a slim chance of winning a medal, " she said.

9. He even expressed a momentary twinge of regret at not being an Englishman when he won at Silverstone in front of cheering crowds last month.

10. Harris County District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal apologized to Taylor in court Tuesday, and several council members echoed his regret.

regret 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment

    e.g. he drank to drown his sorrows
           he wrote a note expressing his regret
           to his rue, the error cost him the game

    Synonym: sorrow rue ruefulness


1. express with regret

    e.g. I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard

2. regret

2. decline formally or politely

    e.g. I regret I can't come to the party

3. feel remorse for
    feel sorry for
    be contrite about

    Synonym: repent rue


4. feel sad about the loss or absence of
