1. Most regional committees meet four times a year.
1. 区域性:它适合于 作为区域 性(Regional) 的SS7 网关来集中管理几个省市 的163/169 网络的呼叫接 续. 通过在线升 档ASG,便可提 高ASG 的处理能力以管理更多的端口和呼叫 量. ASG 是目前唯一可以提供商业用途的系 统,ASCEND 在这一方面具有世界领先的地 位,
2. 局部:对於哲学诠释学与意识型态之论争,Ricoeur认为,二者都是局部(regional)的诠释学,各有偏重,而他提出的批判诠释学并不希望兼并二者,而是要一方面保存二者的差异,另方面从各自的立场向对方提问,以期开显出不足与可补强的方向(Ricur 1981:100).
1. 地区的;区域的
Regional is used to describe things which relate to a particular area of a country or of the world.
e.g. ...the autonomous regional government of Andalucia.
e.g. ...concern about regional security...
1. regional什么意思
1. Establishing vertical business branches and horizontal regional headquarters in different countries and regions enables companies to form a new management structure.
2. Many countries and regional or international organizations had offered support in various forms till the time China Business Weekly went to print.
3. Most multinationals coming to China choose Shanghai as their regional or national headquarters, making some of its foreign clerks buy properties in the metropolis.
4. regional的近义词
4. Hainan Airlines signed the country's largest single order for regional aircraft last August, buying 100 regional jets.
5. Notices at the facility called for blood donations urgently needed by regional blood banks and appealed to residents to donate fully to the cause.
6. regional的近义词
6. We opposed the development and possession of nuclear weapons by any Middle East country in order to maintain regional peace and security.
7. regional
7. The United States previously performed as a bystander and showed no sign of participation since the establishment of the regional cooperation framework in East Asia.
8. " I want to take strong action against those manufacturing and selling illegal liquor, " Banerjee told a regional television station in Kolkata late on Wednesday.
9. Delegates will discuss the current challenges women face in the rapidly changing environment, share case studies and develop actionable items to address regional issues.
10. 911查询·英语单词
10. Active investigations by the Regional Crime Unit of Kowloon West are continuing.
1. related or limited to a particular region
e.g. a regional dialect
2. characteristic of a region
e.g. regional flora