
refugee [ˌrefjuˈdʒi:]  [ˌrɛfjʊˈdʒi] 


refugee 基本解释


refugee 相关例句


1. Many refugees came from Europe to America.

refugee 网络解释


1. 避难者:解答: 当一个人在境外获得避难申请后,就可以以避难者(Refugee) 身份入境; 用其他身份或无身份入境提出避难申请叫 (Asylum). 用于区分这两种不同的情形, 我把(Asylum) 叫庇护. 在获得避难者 (Refugee) 或 受庇护者 (Asylee) 身份后,

2. 难民,流亡者:gulf 隔阂 | refugee 难民,流亡者 | salient 突出的,显著的

3. 难民 难民:redirect 再次直接询问 再次直接询问 | refugee 难民 难民 | registered trademark 注册商标 注册商标

refugee 词典解释

1. 难民;寻求庇护者
    Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their homes or their country, either because there is a war there or because of their political or religious beliefs.

refugee 单语例句

1. A boy lies on clothing spread out under the cover of a blue tent at a refugee camp in Banda Aceh.

2. Virtually anyone who claims refugee status can stay in the country for years as his or her case grinds through the system.

3. The agency is trying to relocate the Darfur refugee camps further east from the border to ease the strain on Chad's meager natural resources.

4. The UN refugee agency also issued an alert after fighting in Adre, near some of the 12 refugee camps in eastern Chad.

5. A malnourished Sudanese refugee child is seen June 23, 2004 at a feeding center in Iriba Town in Chad.

6. The UNHCR said the law would run contrary to the UN refugee convention, of which Switzerland is a signatory.

7. refugee的反义词

7. Lai's refugee claim was refused and he appealed to the Federal Court.

8. And the following day, four men shot dead a peacemaker at Ifo refugee camp in Dadaab district.

9. refugee在线翻译

9. Canada deported on Tuesday the first of some 200 Americans who deserted the US military and sought refugee status to protest against the Iraq War.

10. refugee的意思

10. Many people are afraid of returning to their neighborhoods and cluster in makeshift refugee camps, where desperate survivors use megaphones to find relatives.

refugee 英英释义


1. refugee

1. an exile who flees for safety
