reference frame

reference frame [ˈrefrəns freim]  [ˈrɛfərəns frem] 

reference frame 基本解释


reference frame 网络解释

1. 参考坐标:这种现象是当一个物体在旋转的参考坐标(reference frame)中作线性方向运动时所产生的(图2). 假设你站在正在旋转的旋转木马上,所处位置标示为t1. 如果你决定经直线向外边走,你就能体会到柯氏力效应. 如今,MEMS陀螺仪被广泛用于各种消费性设备,

2. 照系:何况时间、空间,都是相对的,从不同参照系(reference frame)观察,完全不同. 物理学中有一种基本粒子(Fundamenta lParticle),名叫Muon介子,是宇宙射线(cosmic radiation)的副产品,通常诞生于一万五千公尺外的高空大气层,诞生后穿过大气层,

reference frame 单语例句

1. My recent frame of reference is Beijing - an average Western dining landscape that is dotted with a few sporadic success stories.

2. And, the obvious historical frame of reference is the American Dream.

3. reference frame的意思

3. Having a meaningful frame of reference will put pressure on those institutions that have let quality suffer.

4. reference frame的翻译

4. The US way of life has thus become the frame of reference for Chinese, who now believe everyone deserves a Hollywood lifestyle.

5. reference frame

5. It might provide central authorities with a frame of reference for working out new policies.

reference frame 英英释义

reference frame


1. reference frame的意思

1. a system that uses coordinates to establish position

    Synonym: coordinate system frame of reference reference system
