
redundant [rɪˈdʌndənt]  [rɪˈdʌndənt] 

redundant 基本解释


形容词多余的,累赘的; (因人员过剩)被解雇的,失业的; 重沓; 衍

redundant 相关例句


1. Skills which have been made redundant by technological advance.

redundant 网络解释

1. 多余的:在自然主义者看来,上帝的存在要不是不可能,也是多余的(redundant)人已经成年了,不用依赖上帝了. 基督徒必须坚定地相信,上帝仍然在宇宙间作王,祂不是如自然神论(deism)般主张只藉自然规律来让世界自行连转,而祂不再过问插手;

2. 冗余:PCI扩展槽采用全高横插/半高竖插卡设计,可为用户提供3个全高卡或5个半高卡的安装位. 支持ATX/ 冗余(Redundant)电源. SCSI背板传输速率ultra-320、SATA背板传输速率ultra-300,均为当前最高的设备传输速率.

3. 下岗人员:red-letter day 大喜之日 | redundant 下岗人员 | re-employment 再就业

redundant 词典解释

1. (人员因过剩)被解雇的,被裁减的
    If you are made redundant, your employer tells you to leave because your job is no longer necessary or because your employer cannot afford to keep paying you.

    e.g. My husband was made redundant late last year.
    e.g. ...a redundant miner.

in AM, use 美国英语用 be dismissed

2. 多余的;不再需要的;过剩的
    Something that is redundant is no longer needed because its job is being done by something else or because its job is no longer necessary or useful.

    e.g. Changes in technology may mean that once-valued skills are now redundant.
    e.g. ...the conversion of redundant buildings to residential use.

redundant 单语例句

1. Redundant servicemen will be released from active service, including compulsory men and officers who haven't completed their term yet.

2. Members asked questions about how particular licensing and certification rules relate to international norms and about what members consider redundant testing at factories.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. To solve the problem of overlapping and redundant certifications, it will be necessary to wipe the slate clean.

4. Many local companies are simply unable to adequately judge the feasibility of these undertakings and often launch redundant projects.

5. redundant

5. Our State coffer caretakers are scratching their heads over where to put the country's increasingly redundant foreign exchange reserves.

6. redundant的意思

6. Center directors complain that they were hampered by lack of guidance from Washington and they were flooded by often redundant information from multiple computer systems.

7. Towns are the lowest administrative structure in the country and their redundant institutions and personnel imposed heavy tax burdens on farmers.

8. This also means that for every replaced or stolen phone, a battery and adaptor are also rendered redundant.

9. redundant在线翻译

9. China began tightening credit in late 2003 to counter what it said was excessive investment in redundant or potentially unprofitable factories and construction.

10. redundant的翻译

10. Darwin and Wallace made the deity equally redundant on the surface of the earth.
