red envelope

red envelope

red envelope 单语例句

1. red envelope在线翻译

1. If you have a schoolmate who is scraping by, you can couch your compassion in a little red envelope.

2. A courier would be sent to a dinner guest's home delivering a very large red envelope containing a very large red card.

3. red envelope的意思

3. As the eldest of three daughters, my wife had to contribute the fattest red envelope at her sister's banquet.

4. red envelope的翻译

4. The red envelope that contains cash is the omnipotent greaser of the machine of human relationships in China.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Zhou's point was he had paid Li " rent " of 100 yuan a day and therefore she should return the red envelope money.

6. The bride's family would also buy dowries and clothes, and envelope red packets containing money as gifts.

7. It is believed that to give red envelope to employees will help enhance ties between workers and employers.

8. She said everybody will get one red envelope to symbolise a good " Cai Tou ", or good start.

9. The Digital Sound Bag from Red Envelope comes with a pair of stereo speakers and a clear plastic pouch for your iPod.

10. He gave her a red envelope on Wednesday before they registered their marriage.
